winnie's epilogue

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The relationship didn't end suddenly. It ended after fight after fight after fight. You were both too insecure, too unsure of yourselves. She was naturally flirty and you were, apparently, oblivious to others' flirting. She was careless and you were cautious. She was bitter and you were blind.

After nine months, sixteen days, two hours, and forty seven minutes of the failing Minnie relationship, you moved out.


The wedding ceremony is going to be absolutely beautiful but for some reason, Lincoln's stressed about you.

The idiot.

"Link, I'm fine. Tate's agreed to let me stay with her until I find my own place."

"But you don't have a date and Mel-" He cuts himself off and you offer him a bittersweet grimace.

"Melanie is allowed to move on."


"Lincoln Caise!" You hold up your hand, silencing him with the fiercest stare you can muster behind your tears. "It is your gosh darn wedding day. Put on your tux and get ready to walk down that aisle." You kiss his cheek and cross over to Joey's room.

Yes, Melanie's there, but so are Kam and Marco and Tate and Ruthie, so you couldn't care less about her presence.

"Winnie, thank God you're here! I need you to get Ruthie into her dress. She doesn't want to wear it!" Kam shakes your shoulders in a frazzled state of panic. She's pregnant (again) and she's shouldered the responsibility of being the official wedding planner for your little framily.

You kneel down to Ruthie's height and poke her on the nose. "What's wrong, Princess? Don't you wanna look pretty for Uncle Joey and Uncle Lincoln's special day?"

Ruthie's dark eyes refuse to meet your blue ones. "No Win!"

"Ruthie, princess, please put on your dress? You can throw the flower petals at everybody." You make a few gestures so the toddler understands your words. Finally, Ruthie agrees to put on her pretty lavender dress. She'll stumble a bit on the walk to the alter, but you'll be there to catch her if she falls. It's hard to believe a little under two years ago Kam announced her pregnancy and asked you to be the godmother of her little angel.

You also remember the drive back to the apartment, when Melanie had laughed at your music taste and congratulated you, and the look you'd exchanged made you want to tell her your dirty little secret...

Eyes closed, Winnie. Breathe, breathe... "Please, God, don't let me start crying now." You mutter to yourself.

"WINIFRED RUTHIE SEAFORD!" Well, that voice is familiar and oh-so pissed off.

Melanie (with her freshly dyed jet black hair) stomps into Joey's room and shoots you a glare that should plunge you six feet under ground, dead as a doornail. But you've spent a week avoiding her, which has given you some time to grow a spine.

"What, Melanie?" You respond coolly.

"Your flower girl just doused me in daisy petals! Those were supposed to be used in the ceremony!"

"And why, exactly, are you blaming me?"

"Oh please, as if you didn't tell the little bitch to-"

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