chapter seven

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"Make sure everybody has everything, because once we get in that plane to Paris, there's no going back for a toothbrush." A chorus of affirmative noises greet Talia's motherly instincts.

Whoa, back up.


So Talia had the brilliant idea to reunite the high school gang for a Christmas trip to France. Each member of the group is paying a part of the fee (Kai's already done the calculations so nobody pays more than their fair share). Talia's paying for her boyfriend Rhett's things as a Christmas present, which is the only exception. Due to the expensiveness of the trip, your only gift will be the joy of seeing your friends' lovely faces.

Note the sarcasm.

Also, because no one's buying anyone Christmas gifts, you've all agreed not to mention the holly jolly holiday this vacation. Winnie's pretty bummed, but Wally's cheering because yes I don't have to listen to Christmas carols for seven hours straight.

Now, because the dream team members live in different places and the flight to sweet Paris leaves from New York, you've all had to fly here and you're a little worn out already. Unless your name is Arsen, Talia, Rhett, or Luke, who had just arrived since they do live about fifteen minutes away.

Within minutes of exiting the plane from Chicago and entering the establishment, Winnie had already attached herself to Tatem, and the two began to ramble on and on and on about nothing in particular.

Huh. You'd always assumed Tatem was the quiet one. Guess not.

Kai and Luke strike up a conversation with you about the merits of a midnight murder spree (Kai's obviously more than a little frustrated with the two grown men next to her who kept shouting and spitting on her for two and a half hours).

Arsen, Rhett, and Talia are in the middle of their own conversation, (though their's looks a lot more dramatic. Rhett and Arsen's chests are slightly puffed and Talia looks like she's trying to prevent World War III) so you don't try to talk to her.

Wally and Milo are in charge of snacks, which means loads of sugar. You do make sure to get something substantial at one of the little airport restaurants, (pizza, typical) but no one else seems bothered by the snack choices.

Especially not Winnie, who's already eaten three Twix bars. You cut her off after that. You do not need a bouncing six year old in the seat next to you.

"Alright!" Talia shouts gruffly, halting the feuding of the two boys beside her. "They're boarding! Get out your passes, gang!" Winnie digs around in her carry on, the sloth bag Tatem had bought her in high school, and pulls out both your boarding slips. Your carry on swings on your shoulder. Inside it is your laptop with a half finished article and your almost perfect resume for the newspaper of your dreams.

After you and Winnie get seated and the plane takes off, she lays her head on your shoulder and watches you type, adding quiet heartfelt compliments out loud to your description of yourself.

After she falls asleep, you smile and finish your application.

You cross your fingers and hope for the best as you click send.


After getting checked into the Left Bank, Talia hands everybody an itinerary.

"Obviously, we have to go to the Louvre. I mean, that's just a gimme." Rhett swings an arm around Talia's shoulder as she says this and kisses her cheek. She rolls her eyes and untangles herself, grabbing Arsen by the hand and dragging him forwards. Rhett does not look pleased.

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