chapter six

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Today's date is November 30th. November 30th is not a very special day to most. It's normal, ordinary, plain.

But today in the Seaford-Robbins household marks the anniversary of the birth of one of the two humans in the flat. Her name is Winifred Ruthie Seaford.

Earlier this year, for your birthday, Winnie had created a decorative wonderland in the apartment with a sea of balloons and streamers and birthday banners. She'd made a three tier red velvet cake for dessert and pumpkin waffles for breakfast. She'd let you open one of your twelve presents, which had been plane tickets to London. The two of you had spent a week there, and you had completed all the items on your bucket list pertaining to England. The rest of your presents included a record player and a few records for it, a recipe book Winnie wanted to try together, and a baby owl stuffed animal you named Hedwig.

For Winnie's birthday, you've ordered a beautiful monogrammed leather journal. She's also receiving a red dress with a big yellow and white Flash symbol on the chest (because no one can convince her that there is a better male superhero, and her favorite female superhero is obviously Wondergirl, but there's not a whole lot of merchandise at the local comic book store for Cassie Sandsmark.)

You bought a Carvel ice cream cake because Winnie's an actual child, and have made chocolate chip caramel waffles for breakfast. The two of you can't afford a week off, but you've managed to convince her to take a few days, and have planned her perfect weekend. Except it's not the weekend. It's just a few days in the middle of the- aw, who the hell cares when it is? The point is, it's gonna be incredibly fun.

"Winnie, come on." The aforementioned girl groans in protest. It's six AM, and though you'd rather be asleep, you know that the schedule Kam (who's joining you on the trip, along with Marco, Link, and Joey) made dictates that you have to be on the road at eight-thirty-five precisely. Yes, Kam helped you plan it down to the minute, the nerd.

God, she's going to be such a great mom.

"Winnie, wake up, it's your birthday." She smacks you in the face with her boldly patterned pillow before covering her head with it.

"Do not make me sic the dog on you." She grumbles into the sheets.

"What was that?" Finally, the dork sits up.

"Why are you getting me up early? My present could have been five minutes of extra sleep and I would be completely satisfied." She harumphs, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Wins, usually you're the morning person." You tease, playful swatting her arm. Winnie just sighs.

"Yeah, but I had to work overtime on that new album the Leviathans want last night so I could take my vacation time." She looks so sad that your natural reaction is to rub her back. You feel bad for the girl, as you know exactly how horrible those sons of bitches are to her.

"Happy birthday to- ow, Joey stop hitting me!" Yep, looks like the cat's out of the bag now. Lincoln's always been terrible at surprises.

"Did you invite people over? To do things?" Winnie moans, throwing herself back onto her bed. You giggle a little because it sounds suggestive but Winnie most definitely meant it in a different way.

"Nah ah sleepyhead, we have to drop off Lambeau at the vet tech's place. Remember, she's watching him while we're gone? That means you gotta get that little ass of yours out of bed and into the kitchen so our besties can sing an off-key French birthday song, serve you cake and waffles, and we can get on the road." The blonde exhales quite loudly before abruptly sitting up and kicking her legs off the side of the bed.

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