Chapter 26

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A. N.
I'M BAAACK anyways here is a new update guys!!!  I hope you enjoy it if ya don't then there's always a next chapter. Ohhhh and btw guys please check out my YouTube video >>>> give it a thumbs up, share and subscribe fam ❤❤

*Camila's P. O. V.*

"Camila where's my jacket? " Lauren said.

"There on the cabinet. " I said.

"Wait where are you going? "I asked.

"Oh just uhm meeting a f-friend. " She stuttered and looked tense. Something's up.

"Who friend? " I said.

"Oh just someone I'll be back later. Bye. " She said quickly going out.

She isn't cheating isn't she?


*Lauren's P. O. V. *

Unknown: Hey Lauren.

Me:Who's this?

Unknown: your first love. I'm back on Miami wanna meet up?

Me: Alex? 

Alex: Definitely. So what do you say?

Me: Sorry I have a girlfriend so no.

Alex: No way you're gay?

Me: No shit sherlock 😒 duuuuh

Alex: Okay fine but can we still hang out? Just as friends? I miss my best friend.

Me: You better. Fine we can meet up but you paying okay?

Alex: Fine shithead your supposed to be paying your the pop star here.

Me: it's you're and I am not rich! I can only afford the bus hoe.

Alex: Fine fine just cause I miss your ass (not in a disgusting way)

Me: Okay good good see you later Alex.

Shit. Camila.

Fuck oh nooo do I tell her? I mean god she knows who alex is. Shit shit shit she's gonna get jealous and oh fuck. What do I do?!

Lie Lauren she wouldn't know.

Right right I guess I can lie for just  this once.

Minutes later until Lauren is gonna meet up with Alex

Where is my fucking jacket when you need it.

"Camila where's my jacket? " I said. She's so beautiful.

"There on the cabinet. " She said.

"Wait where are you going? "She asked.

"Oh just uhm meeting a f-friend. " Shit why the fuck did I stutter.

"Who friend? " She said.

"Oh just someone I'll be back later. Bye. " I said quickly going out. Nice going to trying to act subtle asshole.

Me: I'm on my way hoe ya better have the money to pay my meal.

Alex: I already do bitch see ya.

I was on my phone when some bitch took my hat and I was about to flip when I saw who took it.

"ALEX MY HOE! " I screamed and tackled him.

"LAUREN MY BITCH! " He screamed back.

"It's good to see you Al it's been soo long. " I said.

"True true but you know busy schedule and everything. " He said.

"Same same anyway shall we go and eat cause I am starving like hell. " I said.

"Bishhh you always hungry. " He said rolling his eyes.

"I'll poke your eyes if you do that again let's just go! " I said dragging him.

"Ohhhh sushi let's go there! " I said.

"Ugh you and your sushi I swear. " He said.

We got our orders and everything.

"So how have you been? " Alex asked.

"I'm doing so good actually doing my dream and passion with the love of my life so it's bound to be amazing." I said.

"Hey I thought I was the love of your life" He faked pout.

"Bitch nah we broke up because of you you shit. " I giggled.

"Whatever you a hoe anyways. " He said.

"Oh hell no you did not. " I said and sprayed water on him from my mouth.

"Bitch this is why we broke up you disgusting. " He said wiping his face while I laughed.

"I love how we didn't end so badly that we ended up not being friends and how we can casually talk about it ya feel me? " I said.

"That's true I'm glad. Anyways how's your girlfriend? " He asked.

"She's wonderful her name is Camila and she's just fucking amazing I want to marry her some day. " I said dreaming about my girlfriend.

"That's great Laur I'm glad you found yourself someone who you love to death." He said.

"How about you? Anyone special? " I asked.

"Yeah actually My boyfriend Mikey and I are going strong and just like you and Camila I want to spend my life with him forever. " He said blushing.

"That's great Al. It's funny how we dated but ended up being homos after all." I said as we both started laughing.

"That's so fucking true I can't even why did we even date?" He said.

"Because we were naive kids before who thought there is only a girl for a boy no homo shit. " I said.

"That true how did Papa J and Mama J take it? " He asked.

"Well my dad and mom already loves Camila so they didn't mind actually they pushed me into telling her or something so here we are. " I said.

"Well at least you got a happy coming out. " He said looking upset.

"Hey it's alright Al I'm your family remember that and so is Mikey he's your home now right? " I said.

"Yeah he is. " He said smiling.

"See? There we go no more sad talk okay? " I said.

A few minutes later.

"I had a great time tonight. " I said.

"Yeah me too. We should hang out soon but your ass is paying next time." He said making me laugh.

"OKAY bitch next time. Thanks Al see you soon. " I said pulling him in to give him a hug.

"See you soon Laur! " He said waving goodbye and getting in his car.

Lauren went home.

"Camila! Babe I'm home I brought sushi! " I called out but no one answered.

"Babe? " I said.

As I walked inside our room I saw her laptop wide open but no one was there and I saw the screen it was on an article. An article about me and Alex with a picture of him and I hugging my eyes grew wide


Will Everything Change? (Camren) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя