Chapter 22

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*Camila's P.O.V."

We go to London today. I'm so excited, even if I've been there a few times the place just never gets old to look at and it's just amazing. Today actually started good considering my girlfriend finally texted me back. I do understand her though, in why she hasn't talked to me and I'm not one to stop her from having fun, so as excited as I am for her comeback I'm still sad about how she's been acting lately.

"Hey Mila have you heard from Lauren?" Dinah asked.

"No we are not in the best terms right now so I wouldn't know.." Sadness laced in my words.

"Why what's wrong walz?" She asked with concern.

"Well she's been avoiding me.. well not really me but she's avoiding to be seen in public WITH ME.. Dinah what if she's getting tired of me? Or she doesn't see us working out? Or I'm not wor--"

" No Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao! Don't even go there.. you are worth it walz and Lauren is definitely not tired of you but you know Lauren she might act as if she doesn't care what others think but she really does care and she gets scared on how the fans will react so just give her some time maybe or talk to her chancho because sooner or later you'll end up giving up." She said.

"Woah Dinah Jane since when did you become a love guru?" I laughed.

"Oh shut up I'm trying to help you here and this is how you repay me! How rude!" She scoffed as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Sorry Cheechee I just wanted to light up the mood but yeah I will though she said she has a surprise in store for me in London.. " I smiled at the thought of my caring girlfriend preparing something special just for me.

"You know sometimes I just envy you guys like why am I so single.." She said as she fake whipped her fake tears and pulled out her phone.

"I mean look at me I'm so cute." She said as she made faces in front of her phone.

"You're such a narcissist Dinah." I said chuckling at the sight of my best friend.

"I know Chancho but you gotta love yourself right?" She said as she whipped her her in front of my face.

"How rude." I said and finally kept walking as the line in the passport lane has moved.

I wonder where Lauren is.

*Lauren's P.O.V.*

" Lucy, Hurry your ass up!?" I yelled and I know I shouldn't but can you blame me? First of all I'm worried that I won't make it in time to get to the airport and I'm worried that the more time I spend away from Camila the more she'll hate me.

"Calm yo ass Jauregui! I'm going already plus Camila will not hate you okay?" She said patting my head.

"Wait how did--"

"You think out loud Laur. Now come on we have a plane to catch."

Few hours later

"Thank your lucky ass we made it, Lu." I said as I tried catching my breath.

"Yeah... note to self never ever drink too much when you have a plane to catch, especially when you're with Jauregui." She said panting.

We walked some more until I spotted the blonde head that belonged to the one and only Dinah Jane.

"Hey guys sorry we're late because this slow ass here -- I pointed at Lucy who simply waved as she tried to catch her breath-- decided to take a decade in the shower and for me to find out she was sleeping inside.." I exclaimed.

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