Chapter 29: Eugene's Ass

Start from the beginning

He nodded. "If you need anything I'm over there." He pointed over his shoulder. "Or if you just need a break tell me. And if anyone pisses you off tell them to go to hell a.k.a their own personal hell week, I'll make sure of that." I just smiled at him.

"Liz you are a part of this team and I don't want anyone disrespecting you. This team has enough problems as it is and rejecting or hurting you is not the answer to that. You might actually be their last and only chance to a peace treaty." I sipped at my coffee.

"But if one of the boys says anything hurtful and you don't want to tell me please, I'm begging you, kick his ass to Montana." I laughed at that. "Sure, maybe he will be pissed, but maybe a kick in his ass was what he needed after all. Okay?"

I nodded my head with a beaming smile on my face. "Yeah, okay."

He smiled before standing up, but before he left he placed his hand on my shoulder reassuringly. "You are important, Liz. For this team and for your friends. They adore you and it wouldn't surprise me if the others will follow their lead soon and accept you as a friend. You are a great person and nobody should make you believe otherwise." And with one last squeeze of my shoulder he left.


"I want to kill Ryan," I said with my head in my hands as he sat down opposite me.

"Yeah, well, count me in." He winked at me.

I laughed halfheartedly, exhaustion taking it's toll on me already. "How sad it's illegal," I sighed, making him smile. "Okay, let's change the topic. Why are you here, I thought we would talk tomorrow if even." I knew my friends and their dislikes and likes towards their teammates, so talking to them would be superfluous.

Logan shrugged. "Coach, said we are pretty much done, so I thought I should tell you and end your torture."

I smiled tiredly. "Thanks, but you are not the last one I have to talk to." I ran a hand over my face and sighed heavily. I was so exhausted. I just wanted to get home and rest. "No," I sighed again. "The last one is Jensen."

He looked at me with pity and patted my hand. "You'll survive it." I smiled. "I hope."

I gasped and punched his shoulder, making him snicker. "Way to be reassuring." I rolled my eyes and placed my head on my fist, my elbow propped on the table. "At least you want me to be alive, that's good I guess," I mumbled while yawning.

"So?" He asked after I closed my eyes.

"So what?" I asked sleepily and rested my head on the table.

"I know why I want to kill Ryan, why do you want to kill him?"

I yawned again. Damn, today drained me off all my energy. First Dr. Goodman then the study session and now this. "The team basically only has problems with him, because he does some pretty stupid things."

I could just feel him shrug. "Yeah, well, what did you expect?"

I turn my head in his direction, narrowing my eyes at him. "You're not helpful." He chuckled. I shook my head. "Not helpful at all." He just patted my hair after I lowered my head to table again. I wanted to glare at him, but I was too tired to even lift my head. "Logan?" I murmured.

"Yes, bunny?"

I groaned at his old nickname for me. "You promised not to call me that after I threw a fit in middle school, remember?" I grunted.

"Yeah, so what's up?"

"I'm gonna drive with Ryan back home, I have to talk to him," I let him know.

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