Chapter 22

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Larry's POV

Two days has passed and KayKay and I havent talked this vacation is kind of boring.

I went to two different fairs for the pass few days. One was a Music and the other was a Math fair. Yeah it sounds nerdy but it isnt. To be honest its nice there are alot of cute girls. I actually had to turn off my phone last night because it was so annoying.

Im not going to lie the girls that text me are cute but the only one I want to speak to is KayKay. The only time we crossed paths is when she has too use the toilet. I dont know how she could be copped up in that room. Im getting tired of this.

I rolled off of my bed and stopmed towards here bedroom. I knocked on her door. No Answer. I knocked again. No Answer. I knovked louder. She opened the door saw me and slammed the door in my face. This is the secobd time this happened too me in one week and by the same girl I must be stupid.

"Kayla Akeisha Annesha Richards get your ass out here and speak to me this is my house ehy the fuck arent yoy speaking to me. I havent done anything to you for the pass few weeks. Im sorry if I did and didnt realise. Please come out and speak to me Im begging you." I said loudly I am really glad I got that out because it was geeting annoying. I missed her terribly and she is right next door to me.

I was surprised when I sae the door open and KayKay stood in front of me with her hands on her hip.

"How do you know my name? Why are you yelling? And why the hell are you cussing?" she said.

I couldnt take it anymore I grabbed her bridal style and walked down the stairs with her. She was fighting and yelling my arms. But thank God I work out so I held a steady grip on her.

When I walked out the cabin. I felt a shiver because I was just in a Elmo Pajama pants and no shirt.

"Good morning cutie" I heard her mom say behind me as I wwas opening the Game room door. I turned to see her in the garden.

"Good Morning Mrs Richa..." I paused as I saw the look on her face. She looked the person in my hand who was now relaxed and then back at me.

"What did I tell you little boy? Its Joanna. Just leave before I get ghetto on your ass. Got me cursing early in the morning. God Forgive me. Hold me before I sin my soul." She said as she looked up in the sky and then turned to her gardening. I walked into the room. And laid KayKay on the water bed.

She sunk in it and tried to sit up. She then began to laugh when she finally got balance.

"This thing is so stupid. I dont want one anymore." She said through giggles. She stood and pushed me out of her way. "Move Fool" She said when she realised that my body wasnt budging she kept pushing me until I grabbed her wrists and looked at her.

"Please talk to me? Im pleading I sound like a freaking girl for Gods Sake!" I said.

"Move" she said as she grabbed her wrists away and walked away then sat in the sofa in front the Tv. I stood watching her. She then stood and was looking through my games and then pulled out what looked like Assassin's Creed 3.

She hooked up the XBOX and put in the game. She laid on the ground and grabbed a control then began too play.

She really could play damn she was jumping over the walls as though she played this game everyday of her life. She turned to watch me as I stared at her in amazement. She got up and went through the games again. She took out Mortal Kombat 2 Damn Thats My Game.

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