Chapter 17

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Larry's POV

What better way than to end the day with Kayla? We had no problems at school today. Fernand and Natalie werent at school today.

I felt sorry for KayKay after I followed her around school all day. She pretended I didnt exist by having headphones in her ears but I didnt care at least I was by her side.

Hmmm. Was all I thought as I sat in my living room watching tv. Well the Tv watching me.

I cant wait to tell her tomorrow how we are going for Vacation when school ends next week. We are going up the islands for one week. Then heading Los Angeles for Three days. After that we are just coming back home and celebrating. Im not sure what because mom wont always be here. Sighh.

"Hey! Kid!." I heard my father said as he came in. He gets me so angry he is never here. Im sure he hasnt even seen mom in the hospital but At least he planned the vacation.

"Yeah." I said as I grabbed My Phone and headed to my room.

Baby I never made love

I never did it

Want to show you.

I cut my ringtone short as I read my text I already knew who it was because of the ringtone

Love- Thanks for today I really didnt deserve it

Me- Sure you did. I really did need to make up what I did you.

Love- I dont deserve it :/

Me- KayKay your amazing why do you keep saying that?

Love - Because I dont!. End of story.

Me - **Sigh** Okay Well Sleep tight Ill see you tomorrow.

I just dropped myself in bed thinking about her. Oh how I wish she was my girl.

Next Morning

I woke up too a wonderful smell. Wow It really does smeel good.

I walked out of my room and followed the scent into our kitchen.

I sighed as I thought about this house urghh its so big and isnt even in use part of the time.

I walked into the kitchen and walked towards the island.

Dad was cooking the hell? Is the world ending.

"Good Morning son."My dad said without even turning around.

"Good Morning." I said wow parents really do have eyes behind their head.

He turned and handed me a plate with eggs and bread in it. Before I know it I ate like there was no tomorrow. Dad walked out of the kitchen with saucers and a mug of juice in his hand. Niggah gon eat by himself didnt even give me some juice.

I lazily walked towards the fridge and got out the carton of milk and drank but somehow somethimg had too interupt me drinking my butt began too scratch.

"Urghh why you gotta treat me like this man?" I asked as I turn around and I kept drinking with one hand and scratching with the other.

I pulled the carton down and burped.

"Oh god! I cant hold this in anymore your such a pig ahahahahhhah"

I stood there with my mouth open looking at a beautiful Kayla. I completely forgot I arranged with her parents to come over today.

That One Crush (Chapter 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora