Chapter 7

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Why cant I be like other people? I am not cute, I dont always wear clothes like others. I just like being the simple old KayKay you know. My friends are fake and I have no bother to rwly on at school.

I was pulled back to reality when I heard the bell Rang to singal its time for us to begin assembly and Morning Prayer.

There were not alot of people in the hall when I walked in, As usual. Well I went to the part where My Class was supposed to assemble. I saw Glen walk in and just stood behind I didnt mind its just her being her.

After assembly she walked up and said "Good Morning Thanks"

I just nodded.

We got into class and our first period was free.I decided to walk outside towards the railing to see who was entering the school.

I got lost inmy thoughts again with Larry why wont he leave my head?

Speak of the devil he came upstairs the same time and headed towards my classroom I wasnt surprised that he didnt talk to me.

I felt a hand wrap around me a cool whisper inmy ear "Good Morning"

I spun around to slap to person head on only to be greeted by a kiss on my cheek by Larry.


Im going to do short chapters okay sorry :)

Sorry ^_^

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