Chapter 5

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"KayKay? KAYKAY?" I heard someone shout into my ear.

"What?" I raised my head annoyed.

"What would you like to drink? Babygirl."

That only sounds good when dad said it. Hold on I was dreaming Oh Thank God I thought to myself.

"Pepsi Dad, you know I always drink that flavour" I said with a smile on my face happy to know that I was dreaming but it felt to real.

Dad just sat in front of me and we began to talk about his day at work. He always enjoys talking about selling the cars. My dad runs a Car Dealership. He always dreamt about having one since he was a little boy. I look up too my dad he is the best and I want to achieve my dreams just like him.

We sat for about twenty minutes just talking about goals and dreams, until I heard "Number 218 Next In Line please."

I was pretty relieved because I know dad was going to get into one of his lecture's about life he always does that.

I followed behind him as he walked towards the lady behind the counter. I saw she was looking at my dad in a flirtatious way. I couldn't blame her, my dad's adorable.

He got the pizza with a huge smile, handed me my drink and quickly paced out of Dominoes.

"Phew, I was getting uncomfortable in there I thought I was going to die by the way she watched me. Im not that pretty." Dad said as he laid the pizza in the back and I got comfortable in the front seat.

"For them to look at you that way you have had to get your looks from someone." I said sarcastically pointing to myself.

"Aha Babygirl I think YOU got your looks from someone WHOOP WHOOP." He said mocking my movements"You know I love you right?"

"Yes dad I can never stop......Your like a broken record." I said playfully rolling my eyes. I saw his face expression change I said something wrong WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?

"Im sorry dad, I love you too" I wanted to cry.

I heard chuckling at the side of me. "Thats all I wanted to hear." He said as we reversed out of our parking space.

It wasnt long before we reached the house and drove into the driveway. My house wasnt to big or too small it was just right. I loved it.

"Honey! Im home." I yelled before my father had the chance.

Mom walked towards me with a smile and her arms extended. Damn the teddy bear.

"Honey Im gone" I yelled while I hid behind dad.

I wasnt up for being a teddy bear this evening.

We all settled down on the table and ate silently something was up but no one decided to talk to me.

As I finished I decided to go to my room. My laptop was calling me. I havent seen him since Monday when i checked up on Glen.

I got to my room and switched it on,It was talking to long so I decided to go and take a shower.

I turned on my heels and walked to my bathroom. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked for the time. It was already seven o'clock damn its late. Then I realised I had six missed calls, two messages and a voicemail I just cleared my notifications and went into the shower. It was feeling so good I could just stay here for the rest of the night.

Why the hell dont I have a life I asked myself.

Brrrrr, Brrrrr, Brrrrr

You Turning Me On

You Turning Me On

I heard my phone ringing and streched out of the shower to reach it and I answered

"Hello?" I said with annoyance in my voice

"Hey, KayKay am I disturbing you?" someone said into the phone . Damn his voice though.

"NO! Whats up? Who is this?" I said as I watched the Caller ID It was Glen but why the hell was It a guy talking?

"Its Larry, I knew you wouldnt answer my call so I asked Glen for a call. Arent you coming to the party?"

Oh shit the Party It slipped me SHIT.


Before he got a chance to say anything else I hung up. I really wanted to go but I didnt at the same time.

I got out of the shower and begun to dress. But wait GLEN she didnt even call me and say anything. Wow my friend why am I not surprised?

Oh well!

I got on my laptop and went straight onto facebook. Well this was a bad decision.

The first thing that came onto my screen was a photo of Glen, Larry, Fernand and Natalie.

What the heck werent they enemies on Monday?The Hell.

I just closed my laptop and laid on my bed. Falling asleep just immediately..

Brr Brrrr Brrrrr

I tossed and Turned As I heard the vibrating sound over and over again. Until I realised my phone was ringing.

I lazily turned and reached on my bedside for it.

"Hello?" I answered sleepily

"Hello Kay I think I nnneeedd you **Sniff Sniff** Please come get me?" I heard Glen Crying into my ear.

"Where are you Girl?"

She told me that she was still at the party and wouldnt tell me what happened until I got there.

So quickly dressed Into my Purple Tank Top, grey Parkers and Purple and Grey Jordans. No matter what people said Ill always be for my shoes Im not into the slippers things, there to girly, I looked into the mirror and checked Myself something was missing but I didnt care I dont dress to impress.

I quickly sneaked downstairs and saw dad laying on the chair watching a football match.

"Daddy?" I said sweetly

"What do you want sweetheart?" he said slowly turning towards me.

"Can I borrow your car? I just want to go by Glen and colloect something quickly."

He sat there for a few seconds which felt like five minutes in dead silence.

"Sweetheart Its almost eleven. But you know what she lives only 45 minutes away , Go ahead be safe" He said turning and kissing me.

"Thanks So much dad"

I quickly took his keys and ran outside.

I started the engine and was on my way towards the party. I really hate lying to dad, He is my everything, Im surprised he leant me the care though thats pribably just to see If Im responsible enough.

I pulled up At the front of Larry's House Oh My word his house Is Three Times bigger than mine. I decided to reverse and head back home only to see Glen coming drifting towards the car with Larry helping her keep her weight up.......


Hey Guys ^_^)/ Tell me what you think I guess I should update more but Im really busy at the moment so Sorry :*



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