Chapter 18) I'm sorry

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Previous chapter: 

"Sure." we both smiled and shut the world out. 


Half an hour later, my mum called me while me and Justin were still making love. Justin stopped doing it but continued kissing my neck. I answered my phone and my mum was asking where was I, why wasn't I at the hotel yet. I told her that I just finished taking a bath and Justin was taking his shower. My mum believed me but she suddenly questioned why did my voice sounded tired and stuffs but I said it was nothing. "Babe we gotta go now." I told Justin and he stopped kissing me. Justin looked at me and smiled. He planted one last soft kiss on my lips and got up. We tidied up ourselves and headed off to my hotel.

Minutes later we finally arrived at my hotel. I changed into a better looking outfit. (outfit on the right) Me, Justin, my mum and Elena went to have our breakfast in a restaurant located in an area where there wasn't a lot of people. I went to the restroom for a while because I needed to. When I was about to go out from the restroom, Tristan suddenly appeared in front of me. "HOLY SHIT! What the hell are you doing here in a girl restroom?! Why are you even here?" I was shocked at his appearance. I didn't know what to do so I tried to escape but failed. I was so afraid so I locked myself in the toilet and he kept banging the door. "Come on out, Christine dear. I won't hurt you. I promise." Tristan lied. I took my phone out from my bag and turned on the recording thing. I opened the door and faced him. "You better do what you said." "Oh look, trying to be brave when you're scared. That's the cutest thing I've ever seen." Tristan said pervertly. "I know what you've done before! You raped you ex's boyfriend for revenge, Tristan! I was indeed scared when I heard what you're capable of but now, not even in your dreams. Don't you even think of hurting Justin!" I said bravely. "Shhhhh. You're gonna draw attention from the people outside and you wouldn't want that now do you?" Tristan said and he walked closer to me. "And yes, I did raped my ex's boyfriend but so what? I know I'm not able to do that to Justin because he's a celebrity but I can do it to you and I've done it once." Tristan smirked evily. "Oh please! FYI, I was signed by Scooter and I am considered a little well known now since I've uploaded covers of me singing on YouTube and I have some fans!" I didn't mean to brag but I said that for the sake of letting him know that I'm un-touchable now. "Hahaha! Why of course I know about that." Tristan pushed me against the wall and my heart was pounding super fast. Tristan began touching me and allowed his hands to go beneath my clothes. I wanted to scream but Tristan kissed me instead to shut my mouth so I was unable to shout. I struggled but he was too strong. Memories of him raping me began to flow into my mind and I started crying. Tears were coming out of my eyes non-stop and all I could thought of was hoping that Justin would come and save me.

Justin's POV

"Christine has been in the restroom for quite a while now. I wonder what is she doing?" I thought to myself. Our food had arrived but Christine was still in the restroom. I was starting to  worry about her. Approximately 20 minutes later, I saw Tristan came out from the girls' restroom and I immediately knew what happened. I got up and rushed to the restroom and saw Christine sitting on the floor crying with her clothes on the floor with only her undergarments not taken out. I was so fucking mad I ran out and chased Tristan. I managed to chase him and I punched him in the face and kick him and pushed him so he was lying down on the floor. I kept hitting him and I didn't cared if he died because thinking of what he had done to Christine, all that I could thought of was punching him. He became unconcious after several hits because I punched him really hard on his face, his stomach and kicked his dick. Mrs. Sanderson and Elena found me and stopped me because they said that I could kill him. I stopped and ran back to the restaurant's restroom and hugged Christine tightly. Christine rested her head on my shoulder and cried non-stop. I just remained there hugging her and didn't bother to move. Elena and Mrs. Sanderson came to the restroom to see what had happened and they were shocked at what was displayed in front of their eyes. Mrs. Sanderson cried when she saw her own daughter in that situation. Christine told them to please leave her alone and let her be with me only and they obeyed her. After quite a long while, Christine stopped crying and wore her clothes back. I wanted to ask her what did Tristan did to her this time but I figured it wasn't the right thing to ask.

"I want to go to the police station." Christine said. "Why?" "I recorded what he said and I want to give it to the police so he will be arrested!" Christine's fingers were curled into a fist and her teeth clenching. I didn't ask otherwise and we went to the police station to report Tristan. After the policemen heard what Tristan said, he told us that they couldn't really do anything because he's not British and they need to inform US and get an arrest warrant then they could arrest him. "Once we have the arrest warrant, we will do our best to arrest him." one of the policeman said. "Thanks." I said and we both left. We spent the rest of the day in the park sitting down on a bench and Christine remained quiet the whole time. When it was already 9:30pm, we went back to Christine's hotel.

"Sweetie are you OK? Is it the guy that Justin hit did that to you? Sweetie have you went to the police station and report him? Sweetie-" Mrs. Sanderson kept asking her questions but I stopped her. "Mrs. Sanderson, I think it really is best if you stop asking her questions. I don't think Christine will have the mood to answer. I'm sorry of I'm rude." Mrs. Sanderson sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry I kept asking ypu questions, sweetie." Chriatine looked at her and smiled. Elena came and hugged her tightly and didn't saod anything. I guess it's because neither one of us knew what to say.

"Mum, can Justin stay with us tonight?" Christine suddenly spoke up. "Sure, if Justin's OK with it." Mrs. Sanderson looked at me." I'm fine. I'll just sleep with Christine." I smiled awkwardly. "Ok then. Here." Mrs. Sanderson gave me a pajama. "It's my husband's so I think it might fit you." 

"Ermm.. ok. Thanks." I said. "Mum, why do you have dad's pajama?" Christine asked. "Well, I brought it so I wouldn't miss your daddy so much 'cause he has his scent on the pajama but it's OK, Justin, you can use it." Mrs. Sanderson said. "Wow mum. Didn't knew you'd miss daddy this much." Everyone in the room laughed. We were all glad that Christine has finally gain the mood to talk although we all knew that deep down insidee, she still hurts. I took a bath followed by the rest of them.  


I lied on the bed with Christine and hugged her. "You know you don't have to keep it in. Just ask what you want to know." Christine whispered to me because everyone was already asleep. "Guess I can't hide anything from you, huh?" I smiled. "Mmmhmm." Christine replied. "Well, I just wanted to ask, what did Tristan did to you this time?" 

"Well, Tristan... Let's just say he.... he enjoyed touching me and kissing me in my mouth, neck and.... chest. Other than that, he didn't do anything else." Christine whispered and I regretted asking her that because the pain showed on her face was like someone stabbed me with a dagger. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you." Tears started coming down to my cheeks because I was really sad that I didn't rescue her on time and I kissed Christine's forehead. "It's OK, Justin. You came, that's more than enough." I stood up and walked towards the bathroom and asked Christine to follow me. "Let me heal you." I said and started kissing Christine passionately with her sitting on my lap facing me. I kissed every part that Tristan kissed. "Thanks, Justin. I love you." Christine closed her eyes and burried herself in my embrace. I smiled. "Come on." we went back into the room and lied on the bed. 



So here's a new longer chapter(it's longer, right?)! ^^ Hope you guyse enjoyed reading. Oh, and just to let you guys know, I'll update a new chapter within every 10 days after a new chapter has been updated! :) Thanks for reading and VOTE! :)

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