Chapter 17) Better than our first time

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It was already 6 am after what had happened and I tried my best to continue sleeping but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't sleep. I decided to go to Justin's place so maybe I'll feel safer and I'd be able to sleep. I called Justin and told him that I'd be there in about 30 minutes and he said OK. I took a quick shower and wore a casual outfit and headed off to Justin's. 

(outfit on the right side and the outfit that Christine's wearing is Taylor's outfit not the person beside her.)

I knocked on his door and seconds later I heard footsteps walking towards the door. When Justin opened the door, he threw his arms around me and hugged me tightly. "Gosh I was so worried about you. Thank god you're OK." Justin said while he was still hugging me. "Justin of course I'm ok why wouldn't I be?" "Because I was afraid that Tristan would appear out of no where and you know, stuffs." Justin said. "Justin that would never happen." I gave him a soft kiss on his lips. We went in to his hotel room and we both lied on his bed. We talked about stuffs and Justin told me to be more careful than I was before and don't go anywhere alone because it's not safe. Justin is a really thoughtful and caring boyfriend and I love him so, so much. I've never loved anyone as much as I love him and this love is so strong that not even my dad could stop us from being together. Not this time, no. All I wanted was to be by his side, nothing more. I feel safe when I'm around him and I know that no danger will come if I stay with him. That's right! If we face obstacles and dangers together, we can get through them! We don't have to break up to get rid of Tristan, all we need to do was stay together. That's all that matters. I know that the stranger guy told me to do what we were supposed to do but if we do so we wouldn't be happy. All we would feel are worries and stuffs so no. I decided that we should stick together no matter what and overcome what's ahead of us together. "Hey, Justin?" "Yeah?" Justin responded and looked into my eyes. "I don't want us to break up. Even though it's just an act but I don't want to. I think that we should face this together because together, we are stronger. Stronger than we will ever be when we're alone. You with me?" I looked at Justin and was hoping that he'd agree with me. Thank goodness he did. He hugged me and whispered beside my ear saying "I'm glad that you finally changed your mind about this." I hugged him back and said, "Me too."

I slept beside him with his arms wraped around me. I was finally able to sleep after waking up at 5:30 am. I slept for 3 hours and I woke up. When I woke up it was already 9 am and Justin was still beside me with his arms remained in the same position they were 3 hours ago. Justin was still sleeping so I gently removed his arms because I wanted to go to the bathroom and tidy up. Before getting up, I planted a good morning kiss on Justin's cheek and went to do my things.

After I was done tidying myself, I checked my phone and it had 10 missed calls and 5 messages from my mum and Elena. Oops. Guess I forgot to tell them that I was going to Justin's. The messages were all asking where am I.

Sweetie where are you?? 


Could you please answer my call or reply my msgs? I'm very worried of u. 




Sweetie are you ok????? Where have u been?? 


Yo chrissy please are u with justin or something?? REPLY ME. 


Wow, Elena and my mum were really freaked out. I called my mum right away to reassure to her that I'm OK.

"Hey mum."


"Woah calm down, mum. I'm at Justin's. Sorry I forgot to leave a note. I just felt like coming here because I was having difficulty to sleep. I needed Justin. And I turned my phone into silent because I didn't want to be bothered."

"Gosh Christine Issabelle Sanderson! Next time could you please remember to tell me or leave a note before going to Justin's? You nearly gave me a heart attack! Me and Elena were worried sick!"

"Sorry, ma. I just didn't thought about anything else. All I thought about doing was to come to Justin's hotel and be with him. I don't know,ma. I feel safer when I'm with him than I am with you or dad or anyone else."

My mum sighed before speaking. "I may not know what you're facing now, sweetie and I know that now, all that matters to you is Justin. I've been there too so I don't blame you but please remember no matter what happens, me and your dad will always be there for you." She paused for a while and continued. "Justin may be your lover now and he may be the one that you think will be with you for the rest of your life but be safe, my dear. Don't do anything reckless. And whenever you guys do it, do it safe. I don't want you getting pregnant before you marry, OK?"

"OK, ma. We will and thanks for everything. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetie. Now get back here and don't make me worry about you anymore."

"Can I bring Justin?"

"Can I stop you if you say you wanna?" My mum giggled.

"Obviously no. Haha! Bye, mum. Be there in a while!"

"Bye, sweetie."

I woke Justin up and he opened his eyes. Omg, sleepy Justin is seriously the sexiest thing on earth! "Wake up, Justin. Go take a bath and go to my hotel 'cause my mum asks me to go back." I smiled. Justin pulled me and kissed me. "Before we leave, let's enjoy this moment of you being mine." Justin smirked. I obeyed and he crawled on top of me, looking at me smiling. "Let's make this even better than our first time." I said because we were on a bed which was a proper place for us to do it than on a couch. "Sure." we both smiled and shut the world out.


Sorry for the shortness of this chapter. I know I said I'd try my best to update a longer chapter and this ain't long but please forgive me for breaking my promise >.< Anyways, thanks for reading and VOTE!! :D

Anything can happen(Justin Bieber love story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu