Chapter 3) Tristan..

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How about tomorrow? I've checked with Scooter and he said that I'm free for a day tomorrow=) u ok with that? ._.

-Justin B

Wow. u do know how to pick a date. 2morow's my birthday and it'd be quite cool to spend it with u, so yeah. I'm on.


I put my phone on the couch. WOWP has finished and Elena was bored so she suggested that we get out of my house. "Wanna go to a park or a mall? I really can't stand staying home for the whole day. I'll die." Elena exaggerated a little bit. "I'm okay with anything. You decide" I smiled to her and got up from the couch and went to my room to spray perfume on me. Elena followed behind me and jumped onto my bed with her legs crossed. "I think I'll choose the mall. Tomorrow's your birthday so I wanna get something for you." She winked at me. "Okay then! And I'm not free tomorrow. I'm going out with a friend and I think I'll only be able to get back by dinner." I pouted with puppy dog eyes starring at her. "Awwwwwww. Dang. We'll have dinner together then and have the BEST girl's night aka your birthday ever!" Elena said with her lips twisted and in a loud voice close to shouting. "Oh, you bet it'll be the BEST NIGHT EVAAA." I replied her with enthusiasm. The both of us made a little happy dance for a while and got out of my room not long after. Before taking my car key hanging on the hook, I felt something vibrated in my skinny jeans' pocket. I took it out and read the message.

Ooooooo. tomorrow's ur bday? Wow, I'm so smart ;P So does this consider as a date? xD

-Justin B

I smiled at his last sentence. "Pffffft. Date?Never in a million years even in his dream." I murmured.

Yeah right. FYI, it's not a freaking date. It's just us hanging out as FRIENDS, kiddo. ==


After replying him, I shoved my phone into my pocket and walked to where my car has parked. Elena was already beside my car tapping her hands on the roof impatiently. "What took you so slow, madamouiselle?" Elena giggled on her own words. "I was just taking my sweet time on the way here." I laughed and unlocked the car. We both got in abd I started the engine ready to get going. Just right before leaving, Justin texted me.

Ouch xP Btw, I like the way u said 'us' ;) except for the friend part. haha =P just kidding ;)

-Justin B

Oh Justin, such a joker. I laughed silently. 30 minutes later, we arrived at the mall.I went to look for a parking and parked my car. Me and Elena went to Baskin Robbins and had a cup of delicious ice cream. After eating, we went to boutiques and Elena looked for things to buy for me as a gift. I told Elena that it's okay to not buy me a gift 'cause honestly, I felt kinda bad for not spending time with her tomorrow but she insisted that she has to buy a gift 'cause I'm her BEST FRIEND EVER. After an hour or so, she finally found the perfect gift for me, a beautiful blue and white dress with length just above my knee. I really loved that dress. It's the prettiest dress I've ever seen.  (link to the picture of the dress in the comment)

"Omg Lena, I love it! But, where am I gonna wear it to? It's so fancy." I thanked and hugged Elena. "I'm glad you love it, Chrissy pooh! You can wear it to prom. It's a couple months later and you won't need to buy a new dress anymore!" Elena said with a wide smile with her teeth showing displayed on her face. "Oh my gosh I love you so much, Lena." I hugged her. Again. "I love you too, Chrissy pooh." Elena winked at me and hugged me back. I was so happy and I couldn't get over it. We went to Coffe Bean later and drank coffee. "Omg Lena, 3 o'clock!" I whispered to Elena while looking at a hottie walking in. "Holly crap he's SO hot and cute!" Elena squeaked while drooling over the hottie. "Don't look!" I said when he suddenly turned around and looked in our direction. OMG OMG OMG HE'S WALKING TOWARDS US. "Calm down, calm down, calm down." I said to myself. "Hi, my name's Tristan and I noticed that you were both looking at me a few seconds before? Is there anything that I might help?" The hot guy-Tristan told me and Elena with a question mark poking out on his head. "Err, em, err..." Elena was totally speechless which was kinda embarrasing. Who am I kidding, it's SO embarrasing. He noticed us looking at him. ARRRRGH, I feel like taking a mask to cover both of our face. " Nothing. We just thought you're hot." Oh. My. Gosh. Did I just said that out loud?! I did! I was so embarrasing. Oh god, he must think that we're two crazy girls obssesed with a hot stranger guy. "Oh. I kinda get that a lot, hehe. Mind if I join both of you?" Tristan said with a to-die-for smile hanging on his face. "Sure." I said after realising that Elena was still starstrucked by Tristan's hotness and being unable to speak. He ordered hot coffee and took a sip of it. "So, what are your names?" Tristan asked. "My name's Christine and hers Elena." I answered politely with a gentle smile. "I see. You're really beautiful, Christine." Tristan told me with that killer smile again and winked. Omg, was he flirting with me? A hot guy. Flirting. With me. I foolishly blushed and simply replied "Thanks. You too." For the first time, Elena was quiet. She wans't at all able to speak because of Tristan. Lol. "Me too? Hah, I've heard a lot of people told me that I'm good looking or what but never beautiful." He laughed. "Oops. Sorry. I meant you're hot too. Hehehe..." I blushed again. "Oh, haha. Thanks, Christine. And you're pretty too, Elena." he looked at Elena and complimented her. I can tell that Elena had just died a hundred times inside when he said she's pretty. "Em..Em.. Em.." was all that came out from her mouth. "I think I'll take that as a thanks." Tristan said awkwardly. I looked at the time and it was almost 6pm. Woah, time passed by so quickly while talking to a hot guy. "Hey, it's almost 6 and I gotta go. My parents will be back from work soon and they wouldn't like it if I skip dinner." I smiled. "Okay. Bye Christine, Elena. Any chance we'll meet again?" "I don't think so. The world's too big for strangers to meet again the second time." I let out a sigh. "Ouch. Strangers? Hah, I thought we've became friends after our little talk." He winked at me. "Well, I can consider you as my friend but I don't know about you." I joked. "Here, enter your phone number so we can keep in touch." He handed me his phone and smiled. "And here's mine." I gave him my phone so he could enter his number too. We both finished entering our numbers and parted our own ways.

Anything can happen(Justin Bieber love story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin