Chapter 18: Alliance

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I could hear footsteps drumming in my ear and the rhythmic sound of a heartbeat through the ringing.
My lungs ached bitterly and i slowly became more and more aware i was being carried.
Joker wasn't careless he wouldn't have wasted any time while i was unconscious.
So why was I being carried?
I tried to move my head when a gruff voice growled, "Keep your head down."
There was a commotion in the background but it seemed distant.
"What the hell?" I couldn't seem to get my barrings the only thing I could see was the suit black with some blue on the chest.
"Keep quiet." he hissed the asylum becoming more and more distant until he finally stopped.
I heard the slight purr of a car engine but when i tried to look around to get my bearings a strong hand prevented my head from moving.
"Were you followed?" i heard a familiar voice as a car window rolled down.
"Bats?" a growl erupted from me my mind reeling.
"She's awake?" he sounded genuinely surprised, "i thought you said she was dead."
"She was." he muttered, "but she began showing signs of life again once she was exposed to oxygen. Joker infiltrated the asylum a lot deeper than we thought and this girl's death seems to be the object of his desire... He was manic when he found she wasn't where he left her."
I was dead? That was a joke right? How else would i be alive right now.
"Did you administer cpr?"
"No she begun breathing again on her own. Her heart also started up again without assistance her regenerative powers are remarkable."
"We can talk more at the cave. We need to get out of here before trouble finds us." Batman grunted in a hushed voice.
"But what about...?" the man holding me shifted uncomfortably.
"She already knows who I am."
"But how...?"
"That's a question she's yet to answer." batman shifted, "let's go."
I pushed hard against the man holding me and finally saw his masked face and the genuine surprise on Batman's.
"I'm not going to your bat cave." I growled at batman then looked at his masked friend, "you have exactly two minutes to put me down."
"We're just trying to help..." Batman begun, "and we need your help Pyre."
"I've lived through your brand of help bats and spoiler alert it sucks and you stop visiting after a week or so." i growled, "as for you wanting my help. Should've thought of that before you through me into a hellhole to be psychoanalyzed by an undercover Joker posing as a therapist. Whom you left me at the mercy of." I met the other guys gaze and raised a brow.
"I didn't know." Batman growled, "but we really don't have time to argue right now just... Get in the car and we'll talk."
"I'm done talking." i growled, "that's all anyone was trying to beat out of me for months was words. You have thirty seconds blue bat." i growled
"Clever." i rolled my eyes
"Pyre please..."
"Dont try to appeal to my humanity batman. The last of it died when i was caged like an animal and fed slop everyday. Now you get to suffer the consequence s of your actions." i glanced at Nightwing, "zero." i muttered flames springing to life across my entire body.
He cried out in surprise and dropped me as i rolled out of their reach.
"Pheobe..." Batman growled, "it was for your own good we were only trying to help."
"I don't need yours or anyone elses help bats... If anything you've helped show me that i am the only one i can trust." I stood taking a deep breathe of fresh air.
"That's not true. You fell into a bad crowd did some bad things.. Everybody makes mistakes. Even those with the best intentions." Batman still trying to reason with me.
"Tell you what. You have two options here. You either leave me alone or you don't but before you make that decision let me make this perfectly clear. You leave me be and maybe one day I'll pay you a visit if i need help maybe even send you some useful tips from time to time. If you don't I will hurt you and then i will march back to that asylum and tell Joker exactly who you are. Your secret is what put me out of his good graces in the first place...." i trailed off scrunching my nose I had said too much.
"You didn't tell Joker who i really was that's why he's after you? Why you were trying to hide from him?" Batman looked shocked.
"Yeah.." i turned my back on him and began walking away, "Which was the stupidest mistake i ever made because now i have no one."
"You don't have to be alone we can help..." Batman trailed off as Nightwing interrupted.
"No we can't. We cant help yoy. but at least if you come with us to the cave we can buy you some time seeing as its one of the few places Joker doesn't know about. Plus you cant really walk around town in that you'll draw everyone's attention."
I looked down at my orange jumpsuit and my ratted hair then back at them.
"I like this guy." i smiled, "honest. Straight to the point and absolutely no bullshit."
Batman and Nightwing exchanged a look then Batman smiled, "how about I leave you alone no more questions and give you a place to hide out while you figure out whatever it is you're planning?"
"No more questions?" i asked suspiciously
"None from me." Batman nodded, "thar's a promise."
But questions from everyone else? Did he think i was stupid? But then on the other hand Nightwing was right as of right now i would draw too much attention to myself and the last place Joker would expect me to be was with Batman.
Although if he ever found out i was hiding with Bats he might start to sweat.
At the moment it was the best i could do with the situation at hand.
"Alright I'll come with you." I sighed shaking my head.
"One condition." Batman held up a hand.
"What?" i raised a brow
"No blowing things up and no more setting my associates on fire."
"That's two things." i held up two fingers two emphasize it.
"Fine. Deal." i rolled my eyes and climbed into the bat mobile.
"Meet you back at the cave." Nightwing disappeared into the night.
Batman silently put the car in gear backed up a little then took off speeding but nod before i caught a glimpse of blonde ponytails in the rearview mirror and the surprised yet disgusted face she wore.
I smiled. Today may not have gone according to any plan but it had turned out better than i could ever have hoped.

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