Chapter 3: Lie to me

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(Still editing this story this is the old stuff so just be patient ;] )

Deadpool weaved us through confusing patterns of buildings but Batman was better at maneuvering than i gave him credit for.

Deadpool stopped suddenly grasping both of my hands in his, "Do you trust me?"
"What?" i asked, "No..."
"A wise choice," he chuckled, "but you don't have a choice."
"What are you getting at?"
Deadpool shushed me putting a finger to my lips and then he threw me forward.
I realized a moment to late what he was planning as i tumbled awkwardly down the slope of and alley way and into some weird crevice under a house Deadpool sliding gracefully in behind me.
As he squished in besides me he stared at me for a while until i finally couldn't take it anymore.
"What?" i demanded
"You sure you're only fifteen?"
"What do you mean am I sure of course I'm sure." i pushed away from him crawling out of the hole, "I don't hear bats jet anymore." i turned to look at Deadpool as he wiggled out and looked up, "huh i guess you're right."
"Well thanks for the help... I'm afraid I've got more important things to do.... But first, you were sent to kill me?" I asked dusting myself off.
"Oh well ya know..." he waved his hand dismissively, "i don't kill kids."
"That's a relief." i smiled craftily putting a hand out, "Nice knowing you Deadpool."
"Why does that sound... Huh never mind." he grabbed my hand to shake it, "what do you call yourself again?"
"Ember..." I paused as Deadpool seemed to melt to the ground, "are you okay?"
"Yeah...yup yeah.. Ember is a... It's. A great name..."
"Right well i cant have any loose ends." i muttered as i grasped his hand tightly, "I'm sure you understand."
"Wait what?"
Before he could pull away from my grasp my hand exploded blowing his hand clean off and burning up his arm.
I wasn't expecting his reaction... Or at least the reaction he gave.
"What the shit!?" he held up his nub, "Your explosive and your name is Ember!? Why couldn't you at least be eighteen. This is so unfair..."
"I just blew your hand off shouldn't you be a little more concerned about that?" I asked backing up a little.
"You're a little shit." he laughed, "nah it'll grow back."
I glared at him, "Don't follow me." then took off running.
His blood was splattered on my cute black and white prison outfit batsy had given me and any other man in that situation would've cried or at least writhed around in pain a little.. I didn't like this.. Deadpool.
I heard heavy breathing behind me pulling me from my thoughts as i looked behind me to see Deadpool only inches away.
"I told you not to follow me! You creep..."
"You cant just blow off someone's hand and run away." Deadpool scolded, "that's rude didn't you mother ever teach you better than that?"
"Who are you my dad." i rolled my eyes coming to a stop.
"I very well could be..." He seemed incredibly serious and seeing my disgusted face he started laughing, "Or at least i couldve been if only i could convince actual woman to sleep with me..."
"Actual woman?" i asked but see the excited change of mood i quickly added,"never mind i don't want to know."
"Awe..." he looked a little disappointed.
"Don't you have better things to do than follow little girls home."
"Currently no." he laughed, "plus you owe me a hand..."he held up the arm I'd blown his arm off us pulling a stupid face like he was waiting for me to laugh, "come on you know that was funny." he chuckled, "oh i kill myself sometimes."
"Well so glad we had this little chat so you could crack that joke that was clearly eating at you... But i do have more important things to do than just hang out with creepy old men." I started walking backwards, "so see ya..."
"But i helped you... You can help me.."
He laughed hysterically, "How about you owe me a favor."
"Alright its a deal." he turned around, "oh one more thing... Its not a good idea to lie to me."
"What do you mean?" i gritted my teeth
"Just saying." he shrugged, "see you around Ember."
I watched him go to make sure this time i wouldn't be followed then weaved my way to my private apartment.
"I wonder if he knew..." i muttered finding the hidden key in the plant next to my door.
When i entered i saw my phone on the table and immediately picked it up to see missed calls from Harley and a text. Where are you?
I called her and half expected her not to answer when i heard that familiar voice, "Ember did you give batsy the slip?"
"With a little help..." i admitted, "Batman is a funny man. He put me in a bomb shelter."
Harley's laugh was a welcome sound, "who did you sucker into helping ya?"
"Some guy named Deadpool." I shook my head, " someone hired him to kill me."
"How're you not dead?" she sounded mildly concerned
"He thought i was a kid so i went along with it." i laughed
She laughed, "how old did you tell him you were?"
We laughed for a while but then Harley put a serious note on things.
"You better hope he never finds out the truth."
"I know..." i shook my head
"How old are you now Ember?" Harley asked
"Just turned twenty one.."
"Well we better go out and celebrate."
"Absolutely. But first i need to freshen up."
We chatted a little longer then said our goodbyes.
I moved towards the bathroom glancing at the calendar.... I really hated my birthday...

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