Chapter 15: This Fire

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I'm not stupid. At least that's what i kept chanting in my head as i tried to make sense of my rapidly crumbling world.
When did i become so trusting? No one has ever helped me to be selfless it was always for some selfish motivation.
My mind was reeling in word babble and yet the numbness of my emotions draining from me left it with nothing more than white noise.
Batman was on the screen of the mounted monitor of what i assumed was the freshly built bomb shelter cell.
"Phoebe." he was getting frustrated do to my lack of response. Lack of anything really. Since i had woken up i hadn't so much as looked around.
I sat facing the screen my back to the wall my orange jump suit pinching me uncomfortably as i sat on the rock hard thing they deemed a mattress.
"I can't help you if you don't talk to me." Batman sighed he knew a lost cause when he saw one. I could see it in his eyes. He didn't want to help me. He was just like everyone else he just wanted something from me for some selfish benefit.
I wasn't going to give him or anyone else that satisfaction.
"Let me know if she starts talking." Batman muttered to someone off the screen as he stood and walked out of the room leaving just an empty chair.
A man i didn't recognize in a lab coat took a seat then fixing his glasses and shuffling about some papers.
"From what i gather Phoebe.. I can call you Phoebe can't I?" he seemed pleasant. It made my skin crawl.
When he realized i wasnt going to answer or show any form of recognition or response he cleared his throat and continued.
"From what i gather do the information here you're not usually this quite and unresponsive. It says your personality is usually quite something. Is there a reason this has changed? Is it just being locked up that has changed this aspect?" he kept going asking consecutive questions but i lacked the will or the ability to care what sone shrink was asking me.
There were more important questions to ask here. Like how long would it be before Joker found i was here. Did he already know? What had Deadpool gained in sending me here to be questioned endlessly by batman and doctor nobody? But the stupidest question that kept nagging me no mayter how self pitting and unwanted it was, was what had i done to deserve this?
Yeah i had hurt people. I blew some things up. I'd been a puppet to a crime maniac. But there were far worse people than me and their lives never seen to spiral so helplessly out of control like mine.
Then it hit me. They're selfish. They don't trust others because no one can be trusted but yourself.
"Phoebe we just want to help you." his plea to my humanity. Trying to pull at the guilt, my consciousness brought my attention back from my whirring thoughts.
Seeing the pity in his eyes as he awaited some sort of response reminded me he was just a man who felt sorry for Phoebe but didn't actually care.
But I wasn't Phoebe I wasn't weak and I wasn't afraid like her.
The fear ebbed out of me and i could feel the fire burning through my veins.
They didn't know how to kill me or if i could be killed no one did. Not even Joker. That gave me power. A power they were all afraid of.
My powers had more to them than I had imagined and they had been protecting me all this time.
They had always been triggered due to emotions or as a defense... If i had learned anything from Joker it was hard torturous conditioning and training had brought me some minor control over this untamable beast for the first time in my life.
My situation wasn't great but it was actually bringing me the opportunity and things i needed.
A space i didn't care about.
Time. Lots and lots of time.
Constant monitoring.
And a thick underground secluded bomb shelter that could withstand my abilities.
Which meant even if Joker found me it would take him time to infiltrate it to get to me.
Now was the time to find out what i could really do and take a crash course on figuring out how to control it. I had some unsubstantial threats I needed to make tangible.
"Phoebe not talking to me is only going to drag this out longer. Our sessions are a required two hours a day. You can either sit the there for the whole hour everyday getting no where. Or you can open up to me and we can begin your path to healing." a spark of irritation sprang through me.
"In order to heal i would have to be wounded or broken." I said carefully, "Do you think I'm broken doctor?"
He was so surprised I had responded it took him a minute to recollect himself.
"Do you think you're broken?" he dodged my question with a question. Of course.
He became visibly frustrated as once again I became unresponsive to his questioning.
"Well Phoebe I hope you will open up to me sooner than later. Otherwise it will be too late for me to be able to help you." he regathered the papers spread out in front of him replacing them neatly in a file before scribbling some notes on some sort of paperwork.
"Too late."
"What?" he was thrown once again by my response.
"It's too late for me. And it's not Phoebe it's Pyre."
He studied my face for a long time before he took a deep breath, "Okay.. Pyre... It's only too late if you want it to be." He stood, "We'll continue tomorrow. Maybe then you can answer two questions for me. Why Pyre? And what makes you think it's too late for you?" he finished collecting his things and walked away.
I smiled when the screen turned off amused.
It's too late because i just learned no matter how much pain they could put me through they couldn't stop me.
They're afraid. They should be. Sooner or later I was going to show them just how afraid they really should be.

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