Chapter 9: An unlikely team

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We both went flying the air knocked out of my lungs as i heard the rumbles of one.. Maybe two explosions..
We both went rolling across the asphalt a sickening crack alerting me what my shock was hiding from me.
I shakily got to my feet impressed by my self control as I grasped a broken arm.
My phone rang loudly in the night as i fished it out of my pocket.
"Mr. J..." i answered
"Good job distracting the bat Ember... I see you have more than just the bat to deal with.... Kill them and we're nearly finished.."
"Yes sir.." i croaked as Deadpool finally pushed himself to his feet
"Oh and hold off on any explosions for now." he hung up.
I spat some blood facing Batman and Deadpool who limped up behind him.
"I don't need your help here." batman held up an arm stopping Deadpool who had pulled out a hand gun.
"I'm not here to help you!" he seethed pointing at me, "she.. She... I don't care if you are a kid! You have to pay!"
I gritted my teeth, "pay?" i asked
"She's not a kid." Batman narrowed his eyes at me, "but this doesn't concern you."
Batman shot a net at me almost out of no where and turned to Deadpool.
"Not a kid..?" Deadpool started laughing, "i don't feel so bad for this then."
He shot at me but the bullet missed due to Batman's interference.
"What the shit Batface!?" he yelled, "do you know how dangerous it is to grab at a man firing a gun?"
"This doesn't concern you Deadpool... Leave."
The two bickering was making it possible for me to sneakily pull my knife out of my leg and boot.
"This does to concern me!"
Fury seemed to ebb from Deadpool as he pointed at me, "She...she.. How could you kill such innocent mexican food!? That was my favorite.... Well second favorite... No." he stopped holding a thinking pose for a moment, "no it was actually really shitty in all senses of the word but still... You do not murder mexican food! I will avenge it!"
"That's what you're mad about seriously?" i shook my head. He becomes more and more idiotic everyday...
Batman pushed Deadpool back, "avenge it later when i don't have a city on the brink of being blown up by her."
"But the tacos..." Batman ignored Deadpool's whimper
"Where are the bombs located?" he demanded
"Nah uh you caught me I'm only telling you where one bomb is." I poised ready for action, "you might want to check that quaint little flower shop a few blocks down."
I slashed through the net and tore down an alleyway gritting my teeth as i heard footsteps close behind.
I pulled one of my semi automatic guns off my back checking to make sure it wasn't too damaged before showering behind me with bullets.
Batman moved from the cover he took behind a dumpster and faced me.
"That's just one bomb you said there were twenty." he glared
I pursed my lips thoughtfully,"Well let's see... That was before four maybe five explosions and before i planted another bomb.... So sixteen seventeen bombs still in affect and you know where two are. The question is how are you going to get all of those people out of the event center before i blow it up?"
Batman narrowed his eyes but turned, "I'll be back."
"I'll be waiting..." i watched Batman go and took a deep breath.
"Oh don't relax just yet Batfool asked me to watch you and keep you here." Deadpool growled still holding his gun.
"And just how are you going to manage that?" i narrowed my eyes at him.
"Well i could shoot out your legs so you don't run away... But you seem to already be limping." He aimed his gun at my head as i raised mine.
"You can shoot me but i will set off every bomb in this town as soon as you do." I growled
Deadpool lowered his gun, "Alright I have just one question then..."
"I don't owe you any answers." I winced lowering my gun but held it ready.
"How old are you?"
"What?" I was thrown off slightly
"How old are you?" He repeated
"That's your question?" I shook my head, "i already told you that..."
"No Bats said you weren't a child. How old are you really?"
"Fine." i glared at him, "I'll humor you and this stupid question... I'm Twenty-one today." i raised my gun as he suddenly scurried in front of me and froze staring me down.
"What!?" he pointed at the sky,"Bad writer!"
"Okay crazy... I have places to be... So see you around.." i started backing up.
"Hold up sass face." He grabbed my gun hand keeping it forced down, "you aren't a child... And despite that you are very pretty... You killed my tacos and i have a contract to kill you." he looked away, "and now i don't feel bad about it at all."
I back flipped away from him one handed springing away wincing as my arm hung oddly.
"Like i said dumbass you kill me and all the bombs in this town will blow." i raised my gun at him.
"Why is that?" he looked at my broken arm more specifically at my hand, "where is your finger... You..." he looked up, "you're the bombs...." he turned and started walking away.
"Where are you going?" i demanded
"I have to tell Bats.."
"No." i raised my gun, "you don't." i pulled the trigger showering his head and body with bullets.
He fell to the ground as i limped over to him checking for a pulse.
Not finding one i smiled, "sorry crazy... Can't have you ruining our plans."

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