Chapter 17: Surprise visitor

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Batman stopped coming to visit and the good Dr. Stopped trying to get any responses out of me.
I found new ways to conditioning my body to strengthen my weaknesses to gain control.
I'd started eating in order to build muscles by intense muscle conditioning everyday longer and longer until i was puking from exhaustion.
"I see your exercising... Still." the doctor sighed taking a seat as the monitor turned on, "I'm not sure what marathon you think you're training for but you wont be getting out of there anytime soon." He brought some paperwork to do today.
I was doing handstand push ups my body trembling from the strain.
"You're over doing it a bit don't you think?"
I rolled out of the handstand and moved on to push ups ignoring his scoldings.
The past week I'd barely gotten any sleep between the pain of my muscles and the haunting nightmares.
Joker was always there trying to figure out what i knew of his nemesis batman. Figuratively and sometimes literally picking my brain for the answers.
"Anyway..." the Dr. prattled on invading my thoughts disturbing my focus, "You have a visitor coming to see you later today."
"A visitor?" i echoed confused as I started to stretch giving my muscles the long overdue rest they had been screaming for.
"A cousin of yours I believe." he looked up from his work to raise a brow at me, "He was anxious to hear how you were doing and saddened to hear we weren't making any progress with you."
"Cousin?" I sat thoughtfully.
I didnt remember any cousins and certainly not any that were interested or even knew i existed.
My mother wasn't close to her family and i never knew my father or his family.
So if it wasn't my family..? Could it be Joker finally found me?
Was it an assassin?
A henchman to scope out the place from the inside?
So many questions and no answers. I shook my head.
"I haven't seen any of my cousins for some years doctor." I went back to my conditioning
He sighed, "Be on your best behavior won't you?"
"We'll see...." I barely heard his protesting as I focused.
I was close to the control aspect of my powers but i didn't fully understand them yet.
I needed a new plan.
If it wasn't deadpool and it wasn't batman it had to be Joker or one of his spies.
"Doctor." I was quiet, "May I talk to you after my cousin's visit."
He seemed taken aback by the question but then seemed very excited straightening his glasses on his nose, "yes yes of course."
"She's doing push ups again."i heard an annoyed grunt as the hatch opened.
"We'll allow you to continue your obsessive exercising if you stay there and don't move." a commanding voice barked down at me.
I moved into a plank and awaited for the sound of the hatch closing after they had delivered the food.
As soon as i heard it closed i pushed up onto my feet and turned to see what they had left me.
Some sort of slosh with a side of veggies and a juice box.
I looked at the fork they had given to me the wheels in my head turning.
I moved the food tray to my bed and sneakily took the fork from it and retreated into the small closet like bathroom within my cell the only place a camera wasn't.
I'd earned the privacy of bathroom time and a toilet on good behavior. When i had agreed to start eating again.
I sat on the toilet and poked at the tips of the fork.
It was much duller than i would've liked but it would have to do when the time came.
I flushed the toilet to make the bathroom trip seem legitimate.
I had a plan but seeing as I'd never tried anything before there was a slim chance things would work out the way I hoped.
I gracefully returned to my food eating quickly before returning the tray to the table in the middle of the room.
I laid on the bed stealthily slipping the fork under my pillow.
The monitor was black and I stared at it for a long time before I began to drift off.
My muscles ached bringing me back to consciousness and I could hear mumbling.
"Yes. Yes of course." it was the Dr. Talking to someone.
I heard the faded steps of someone leaving and the door closing.
Blinking the last traces of grogginess from my eyes as I sat up and stretched.
"Oh you're awake. You just missed your cousin I'm afraid." He seemed to be in the process of standing but awkwardly sat back down, "Did you have a nice nap?"
I felt irritation flare up inside me, "you mean my cousin came and you didn't wake me!?"
"You've not been getting much rest recently and he didn't want us to stir you." He was flustered yet somehow excited scribbling down some notes, "He extended an apology that you couldn't speak but he didn't have a lot of time anyway. He's made an appointment to visit again but says regretfully it wont be for a few months and he hopes to see you making improvements when he returns."
I could feel my fingernails piercing the skin of my hands balled in such tight fists they were shaking.
"Improvements?" I echoed mind reeling i had missed my chance to know the face of this 'cousin' he'd seen everything and now had the perfect amount of time to plan.
"I can see you're upset Phoebe. But he did leave you a letter that will be delivered to you with your breakfast tomorrow." He moved to stand again.
"When you're done reading it?" I growled I could feel the slight trickle of blood between my fingers.
"You know the rules Phoebe." his tone was disapproving.
"It's not Phoebe." I growled opening my bleeding palms, "it's Pyre...... And you have just made a grave mistake Dr."
"Your hands what are you..."he trailed off as I let my anger fuel the flames that leapt to life engulfing my body.
The bed was the first thing to catch fire then I melted the cameras so only the screen remained as the flames quickly spread.
"So you're finally showing emotions and misusing those powers i almost didn't think you had..." the Dr. Smiled, "we're getting somewhere."
I looked at the flames dancing on my arms then at my fingernails which were long and jagged.
I smiled back, "No. You're getting a burnt hole. I'm ready to leave this stupid hospital."
"You can't leave..."
"Watch me." I snapped
"But what about your cousin's note?"
"I guess I wont be getting it huh?" I wasnt in the mood for games the only thing standing between me and freedom was that hatch outside this stupid shelter there was little they could do.
"If you calm down I'll read it to you..." I could tell he'd pressed some sort of button and I smiled.
It was probably for some sort of control force to subdue me. Which means i didn't have to open the hatch myself all I had to do was wait.
"Read it." the flames of my body dying down.
He fumbled with an envelope and pulled out the letter.
"Deary deary deary... Quite a mess you've gotten yourself into.... You had to know there was no way this prison would keep you safe..... I uh..." the Dr. Paled as he looked up at me.
"Continue..." I smiled. I knew it.
"Now it'll be like shooting a fish in a barrel... Clearly the bomb wont kill you... Nor the gas.... But peek a boo..... I... See... You..." the Dr. Broke into a fit of laughter that sent chills down my spine.
He removed the glasses and turned the paper around to reveal it was blank, "I've been watching you."
I felt chills role down my spine numbing my body as he removed his bald cap/ wig to revel a head of green hair.
On his sleeve he wiped off sone sort of foundation that had been covering his white skin underneath.
Those wild eyes. That wide grin. That horrible laugh.... "Boo."
There was a loud boom as I was knocked to the ground the surprise triggering an uncontrolled explosion.
I gritted my teeth I had pulled together faster than ever but I couldn't breathe.
The flames around me seemed to die out it was like he'd pumped the oxygen from the room somehow.
I could barely make out a green sort of haze my eyes blurring as i heard loud alarms blaring gunshots.
"Nighty. Night." Joker taunted with a growl disappearing from the room.
The sounds that followed him were utter chaos.
He didn't need to find me. He'd known exactly where I was this whole time. He'd been watching me as closely as anyone could.
So why now?
I could see black spots dotting my vision as i took another gasping breath my lungs aching painfully from the lack of air.
My world turned black.

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