Every helping hand counts {for Haiti}

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Every helping hand counts

Its all over our TV.

The earthquake's in Haiti.

The massive loss of life.

It just isn't right.

The pain and destruction.

And I wonder how they continue to function.

Is there any reprieve.

Even a moment for them to just breath.

Then it occurs to me.

Its our job to let them see.

That they are not alone in this.

And that the whole world is sending them a kiss.

It will just take a helping hand.

For them to understand.

That with a little help they can find.

The love and support that exists in mankind.

It doesn't matter in what way we help, as long as we do.

My heart say's I have to help, what about you.

I no its so sad it makes us want to hang our heads and cry.

But then get up fight and remember but for the grace of god go I.

peace out


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