But after reaching the hospital, I saw my wife hugging a complete unknown man and my blood boiled. I walked to them clenching my fist.

My wife notices me and came running and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"Shh, everything is fine." I kissed her forehead.

After a day

Uncle En gained consciousness and now is better. My mom is with my wife so I came out and called my secretary.

"Yeah, do all the paper works and send me the copies here. Contact the bank and sort it out. and also bring me the house papers." I cut the call.

My wife came towards me.

"I'm sorry for the trouble, I made you come leaving the meeting." she said with a guilty face.

"There's no need for sorry, you're important than any meeting. You have every right to call me whenever you want, I love to be troubled by you, you're my wife, you get that?" I pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead.

She hugged me back and nodded.

"You need to come with me for a while."

"Where? I got a call from the bank, I need to attend the meeting with investors too."

"Just come." I pulled her.

Teresa's P.O.V

He took me to my dad's office.

"Why are we here?" I asked him but there's no reply.

I met John on the way. He just nodded.

We entered the conference room, where seated all the board members and also my father-in-law. What the hell is going on? I gulped.

He helped me sit and sat on the chair beside me and gave my hand a slight squeeze, comforting my nervousness.

He handed me some papers. I looked at him with a puzzled expression.

I went through the papers.

"You bought the company on my name?" I jumped from my seat gaining everyone's attention.

"Sorry." I gave a nervous smile and glared at my husband who had a sheepish smile on his face. He is enjoying seeing me troubled this demon really!

"What the hell is this?" I whispered in a threatening tone.

"Let me handle this." He nodded reassuringly.

Rest of the meeting I didn't even know what happened, I am getting dizzy.

After the meeting everyone leaves the room leaving me and my husband behind.

"What the hell were you thinking, making me the owner?" I yelled at him.

"I already talked to your dad too, he's very happy with my decision and what's wrong with you being the owner didn't you study marketing and business from Cambridge." He gave a smile.

"I did, but I have zero experience and why on my name? when will you stop giving me shocks?" I hold my head.

"Shock? I just wanted to surprise you. Plus you only keep on saying what's mine is yours too so, it's on your name or mine, it doesn't matter right?" He said casually.

"Your surprises are big shocks to me." I glared at him to which he simply laughed. Why is he so sweet? I pouted.

"I can't." Depressed, I held my head.

"You can, I'll help you out." He ruffled my hair.

"You won't work here anyway." He said with a smile.

"huh?" Now what is he planning? I gave him a puzzled look.

"Oh didn't I tell you we're tying up our companies together?"

"You never told me any of this all." I pouted.

"Okay then now I'm telling you. You'll work at my office and I'll teach you how to handle a company." He gave me a sheepish smile.

"Curse you." I glared at him.

"Really, wifey?"

I glared at him.

"That glare doesn't scare me cause you look cute when you're angry." He pulled my cheek.

I pouted slightly blushing.

Few days later


My cabin is just across hers and I can clearly see what she's doing from my chair. I smiled to my self. Suddenly enters Ren, her so called best friend. I don't like that guy at all. The past few days he's always around her, like a fly. She even hired her for work why he doesn't have anything else to do?

I didn't keep her here to flirt with other man in front of me.

This guy Ren is stuck to my wife like chewing gum, he's her best friend doesn't mean he has to stick by her side every time, I don't stick with Rihito, she doesn't stick to Rina either. I crushed the paper in my hands seeing them.

Third person's P.O.V

Rihito: "Poor paper, it doesn't even know why it is being tortured."

Rihito looked at the direction to which Ryouma is glaring with a murderous intent and laughed.

"What's so funny?" Ryouma glared at his best friend.

"Well nowadays everything about you is so new and that is very funny." Rihito laughed nodding his head.

Ryouma kept glaring at his wife and her so called best friend.

"Don't be jealous, they're just good friends." Rihito tried to suppress his laugh.

"Good friends my foot! Have you seen me sticking to you like that okay forget that she doesn't even stick like that to Rina." Ryouma burst out.

"Haha! God! You're so jealous and you didn't deny that." Rihito laughed again.

"I'm not jealous." He denied bluntly.

"Oh then what are you? a burnt roasted chicken?" Rihito laughed again making fun of Ryouma.

"Shut up." Ryouma glared at him.

"His work experience is quite good, Teresa's just taking his help for work." Rihito patted his back.

"Couldn't she come to me? Am I dead or invisible?" Ryouma flared his nose with anger.

Rihito laughed again.

"Seeing you like this, sure is fun. Didn't I tell you to be careful, she'll may get snatched." Rihito teased him.

"Shut up and see what I'll do now." He picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"Jack, you're fired and now you'll work under Sam and get a letter out for a new secretary."

"What are you trying to do?" Rihito looked at his suspiciously.

"Just wait and watch." Ryouma glared at his wife and Ren and laid back at his chair crossing his arms.


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