Chapter 22

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After another heart-wrenching goodbye with Ari two days ago, the boys haven't left me alone. I think they were trying to keep my mind off of her. I knew they meant well, but it was getting on my nerves. Today we went to a local park and played footie till the actually footie game was one. Once it was on, we all piled on Max's couch. Tom made a quick run to the store and came back with enough beers for a small army.

I rolled my eyes as Jay took two beers. Reading my mind, Seev asked, "Two beers? Why can't you just start with one then get another one when that one is finished?" We all laughed except Jay.

He shrugged it off and jokingly said, "Let me be." I could see there was something else though in his eyes. Almost like Siva's comment hurt him? No, I mean we always teased him on his drinking and it never bothered him. I wasn't sure, but I decided not to worry about it. Jay was a big boy and if he didn't like something, he would tell us.

I set on the couch, next to Jay. After hours of our screaming at the telly and still having our team lose, I decided to go home. "Well lads, today was fun, but I got to go."

I took a step towards the door, but Max grabbed my shoulder. "I don't think so mate."

"What?" I was confused.

"Did you not tell him?" Tom asked. Okay now I was really confused.

"Tell me what?"

Max let go of my shoulder and said, "Hmmm I guess I didn't. Silly me." What on earth were these guys talking about.

"How could you forget to tell Nath," Seev said smirking. What were they not telling me. I rolled my eyes and gave Max the 'you better tell me now or else' look.

He smirked at me then glanced at Siva, "I know right, mate. How could I forgot to tell baby Nath. It's almost like I didn't tell him on purpose." His words dripped with sarcasm.

"Jesus Christ. Someone tell me something."

"Ooo someone's feisty," Jay said. I could've punched him.

"Someone tell me no-,"

"We are having a party of sorts," Max told me. He said it as if I was suppose to know this.

"A party," I paused, "of sorts? What does that even mean?"

"Well we will be the party-ers plus Eric."

I groaned internallyy. I was not having a 'party' tonight. What I wanted was to sit in my flat, with a cuppa and maybe Skype Ari. Couldn't they see that I just wanted to be alone right now? They clearly didn't, because Jay said, "Yeah we are going to own the night." He paused and raised his eyebrows at us. No one laughed, "eh eh, get it. Own the Night? Like our single?" Still nothing. "Oh you lot are no fun sometimes. I always laugh at your jokes." The last bit was directed to Max.

We all laughed at that. I laughed even harder at Jay's laugh, I just loved it. I looked at him. He was smiling and his hair was... How to describe Jay's hair at the moment was impossible. He had let it grow out. It was currently pulled back in a half do. I wasn't even sure how to describe the 'hairstlye'. I wasn't even sure if it qualified as a hairstyle. It was something though. Something as in he desperately needed a haircut like ASAP.

I rolled my eyes at him.

It was about 2:OO AM and I was exhausted. The party wasn't much of a party either with just 6 guys. There was a lot of drinking being done and not much of anything else. There was music playing, not to loudly. We literally sat around drinking and telling stories. I wasn't complaining though because I was enjoying myself. I loved just reliving old memories from other's point of view or hearing new stories.

Half an hour later, my phone buzzed. INCOMING CALL, ARI. "Be back guys," I told them as I answered and went into a spare bedroom.

"Hey love. How are you?"

"I'm great Nathan. I wasn't actually expecting to get you. Isn't it late there?"

"Yeah, Max threw a little party. A party as in 6 guys sitting around drinking." She laughed and I smiled to myself. "What have you been up to?"

"Been busy all day. That's why I called. Well I called to leave a voicemessage saying sorry that I couldn't talk today."

"Oh, you wouldn't have had to be sorry. It's alright."

"Well good. So how was your day." I told her everything I did. I exaggerate some bits though, trying to make it more exciting then it actually was. We continued to chat on about random subjects. I heard the boys making a loud ruckus outside. What were they doing? I heard Jay yell, "No way mate. Not a chance in Hell." And then Max yelled, "Come on bird." What were they doing? I was so busy listening to the boys, I forgot about Ari.

"Sorry what did you say?"

"I asked who won the soccer-I mean football game," I laughed.

"Not the team I wanted too."

"Oh well that's a bummer." After another 10 minutes of random talking we hung up. I opened the door and walked into the kitchen.

I dropped my phone, literally dropped it. I heard something crack, but I didn't care. The only people in the Kitchen were Jay, Max, and Eric and they all turned to look at me.

Jay was on a stool and on the ground around him was piles of his hair. Max and Eric smiled at me then looked at Jay. Eric said, "There ya go Jay. Now you look like a true skrillex member." What have they done?

His hair was. I really didn't know how to describe it now. The sides were completely shaved off and the top... What was going on with the top? I couldn't believe what they did. I leave them only for 30 minutes and what do they do. They go and shave Jay's head. No one was acknowledging me either. "What is going on?" I asked.

They turned to look at me again. "We shaved Jay's head," Max announced proudly.

"I can see that, but why?"

Max shrugged, and Eric said, "We thought it would funny and plus now he looks like he could be in a skrillex band." I rolled my eyes at them.

"Jay why would you let them do that."

"To be honest Nathan, I have absolutely no idea." I rolled my eyes again and retrieved my phone from the ground. Thankfully there was only one crack and it was on the back. I switched it off and on, it still worked. Max and Eric were laughing.

I walked back to the spare bedroom and yelled over my shoulder, "I'm going to bed. Night. Don't do any more stupid things, alright?" I was just about to walk into the room, but I stopped and yelled, "You know the fans are going to kill you, right?" With that I shut the door behind me and collapsed on the bed.  The last thought I had before falling asleep was, When I said Jay needed a haircut, that was NOT what I meant.

***I hope you liked this chapter! Jay shaved his head, silly boy. I was really upset when I saw the pictures of his 'skrillex' hair. Thankfully he got it fixed and now it looks good:) Anyways keep reading/voting/commenting. All of your comments really do mean a lot to me:)***

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