Chapter 6

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"Don't be crazy Nathan, you are not paying," I argued with him.

"Yes I am Ariana," he tried to grab the bill from me, but I pulled my hand away.

"I invited you here which means it would be rude if I let you pay."

"Okay first of all, you could never be rude and second of all I am the guy and I want to pay." This time he grabbed the bill before I could react.

"Heeey," I protested. He ignored me and pulled out his wallet. He fished out a card and placed it on the bill and then realized something.

Picking up the card, he looked closer at it. After a moment he said, "Well this is embarrassing, but this card only works in the UK."

I did my best to hold back my laughter. "That is embarrassing isn't it? " I propped my elbows on the table and put my chin in my hands. "How convenient for you." He didn't respond, I dug my card out and paid for the meal. The waiter came and took the check. Nathan was looking grumpy so I poked his cheek and asked, "So did you like the food?"

"Eh, I've had better." I gave him a look of disgust. "I'm just joking Ari, it was amazing," he tried to grab my arm but I pulled away. "Come here Ariana, " he tried again, but I scooted against my booth. He got out of his side and came over to me.

"Nathan, no go away," I slid against the wall.

"No, not until you give me a hug." He grabbed my legs and started to yank me. I tried not to laugh, but it was useless. His face was just to darn cute. He pulled me to my feet and wrapped his arms around me. I left mine lifeless at my sides. "Hug me back," he teased.


"Please Ariana?" Oh, how could I resit his cute little accent, I wrapped my arms around him and gave a squeeze. Satisfied, he let go of me with a huge smile on his face.


We were in the drop of lane of the airport. I did not want to leave Ariana. We were pulling up to my drop off. Once we got there, she stopped the car and we hopped out.  I pulled my suitcase from the trunk and closed it. I stood on the curb and she came over to me. "I had a lot of fun these last couple of days," she told me.

"Me too."

She lightly punched me in the arm, "Don't look so sad. Its not like we are never going to see eachother. You will have to come and do some shows with me."

Shows. I totally forgot. I would have to do some of them with me. My frown was quickly replaced by a smile, "That's right." She pulled me into a hug and of course I hugged back. "Bye Ariana."

"Don't say bye, say see ya later."

I smiled, "See ya later, Ariana."

"See ya Nathan." I let go and walked towards the door. Don't look back, Don't look back, I kept telling myself.


I was meeting Jay for a beer today. I haven't seen any of the boys since I got back from the UK. I was eager to tell Jay about Ariana. He was a great listener. I got my stuff and headed to meet him.


I looked in the mirror and adjusted my curls. I really needed a haircut. That would have to wait though, I was meeting Nathan today. He had been in the states with Ariana. Who I was positive he had a crush on.

I was sat at the bar. I ordered us drinks. Nathan walked in and saw me. I waved to him and he came over and sat down. "Hey baby Nath."

"Hey Jay, thanks for the drink," he nodded to his drink and took a sip.

"Yeah mate." I waited a moment for him to bring up his trip to the states, but he didn't. Well I guess if I was going to know, I was going to have to start the conversation. "So how was the states?"

"Good." Good?! Really he was giving me NOTHING to work with.


"And what? It was good."

"Come on mate! How was it?"

"Like I said good."

He was irritating me now, "Nath. How was she?"

A smile broke out across his face. He  poured out every detail of what happened to me. I couldn't help, but smile. I had never seen Nathan like this. He really cared about Ariana and it was very evident. I was happy for him. Very happy. Once he got done telling me I said, "Nath that is amazing. I am glad you had a good time. So what are you going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"You obviously like her sooo?."

"I can't do anything. She has a boyfriend and I don't want to mess up their relationship or her happiness."

"I understand that. Well you never know what could happen, right."

"Right." We clinked our beers together and took a drink.

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