Chapter 20

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Just open your eyes Ariana. Come on. You can do it. Nope can't do it. I hate waking up. I just absolutely hate it. I grunted and threw my legs over my bed, eyes closed. I lifted my hands to my face and rubbed my eyes, trying to wake them up.

Finally I was up and in the kitchen. Grabbing the cream cheese from the fridge, my bagel popped out of the toaster. "Ow, hot, hot," I yelled as I dropped it onto my plate. I began spreading the cream cheese. I picked up my plate and went to sit on a bar stool. I couldn't help but to smile to myself as I looked around my kitchen.

It had been about two weeks since Nathan had surprised me. Some of the lovely flowers had sadly died. A lot of them were alive though. Nathan had rented the shelving in my room, and it was now gone. There were flowers everywhere. Literally. They were crammed anywhere they could fit. There were some on the back of the toilet, kitchen counters, bathroom counters, coffee table, desk, vanity, on my TV, and in my car. There is just piles of them in my backseat. At times they were inconvenient, but they always made me smile and think of Nath. I finished getting ready and I was a few minutes early. Time for some twitter.

I was completely and utterly shocked. My twitter was blow up with notifications. The majority of them said things like: I can't believe he did that, how dare he, or now you know how Jai felt. What? Can't believe who did what? What on earth were they talking about. What about how Jai felt? As I dug deeper into twitter, I discovered what they were talking about. It broke me down.

No, no Nathan would not do that. This was silly. I turned my phone off. I was not going to let people on twitter ruin our relationship over a bunch of silly rumours, But what if... No, it couldn't be.

After a few minutes of staring at my blank phone, I picked it up. It wouldn't hurt to look, would it? Nah, I opened googled and typed in  Nathan Sykes cheats on Ariana Grande. My jaw dropped with all the results. They were all recent, within a day. I click on one and read it. I felt sick to my stomach as I read the article. At the bottom of the page, there was pictures. My head was spinning.

I hesitantly looked at the pictures. In the pictures, he was kissing a girl. She was young and pretty. What was he thinking? How could do this to me? I wasn't mad. Well I was mad, but I was more upset. I felt the tears, prickle at the back of my eyes. Don't cry. No more crying. It was too late, the flood gates were opened and the tears where pouring out.


I woke up with a headache. Not a hangover headache though. I didn't have anything to drink last night, except a beer. One beer was not enough to get me buzzed, let alone get drunk. The headache was probably from the music, It was so loud last night and hot. That club was extremely hot. HOT! I shot up in bed. The memory of last night and the girls crashed on me. Oh no! Rage immediately filled my body when I remember the paaps and the sneaky little girl. Ariana! No, the story had probably been released now. Wait, what time was it? 12:00 p.m. This was not good. It was late in the evening there and she probably read about it when she woke up. No, no, no. I dug through my bed, trying to find my mobile. Where was that bloody thing?

Why didn't I call her last night? Or at least sent a text message. I was an idiot. I hoped she was okay, I did not want her upset.

Once I found my phone, I dialed her number. One ring. Two ring. Three, four, five. Where was she? I needed to talk to her. She didn't answer so I left a message:

Ari, it's me Nath. I don't know if you have read the story about erm like me at the club, but it's not true what they are saying. It is very hard to explain, but I promise it will be okay. Okay? Okay, anyways please call me back asap and remember that I love you.

I hung up and collapsed on my bed. What have I done? I might've just ruined the best thing that has ever happened to me.


He had called seven times now and left 3 messages. I was not in the mood to talk to him. I was an emotional wreck. There was no possible way I could talk to him right now. It had been a long day filming too. I was exhausted. I laid in my bed and wrapped the covers tightly around me. I put in my headphones and let the world disappear.

I woke up in a daze. My music was still playing in my ear. With a quick look at the clock, I realized I had only been asleep for maybe an hour. I was just about to close my eyes again when Nathan's name flashed on my phone. I groaned. Should I answer it? I had to, didn't I?

I yanked out my headphones and answered. I didn't say anything.

"Ari? Are you there?"

"What do you want Nathan?" I did my best to sound confident, but I wasn't convinced myself.

"Baby, I'm so so sorry. Like unbelievably sorry. You have to understand though. I didn't actually kiss her. Well she was kissing me, but I was not-"

"Nathan, just stop okay. You made a mistake. I could be willing to forgive you, but just admit what you did. Just say it, alright?"

"I am not going to admit it because I did not kiss her back. She only kissed me."

I felt my heart crumbling. I bite my lip and attempted to steady my voice, "Nathan. Why didn't you just call me to tell me right after it happened or something because the way I found out was awful. It was really bad. I-it would have been better if you told me yourself."

He didn't answer for a second. "I'm so sorry. I was going to call you, but the club was too loud. And I just passed out when I got home and then I slept in and and," he paused, "no more excuses Ari. I am sorry that I hurt you alright? But I promise you that I will make this right."

"Were you drunk?"


"You said you were at a club. Were you drunk?"

"No, I wasn't. I only had one beer."

A silent tear, escaped my eye. I didn't know what to say. He fully knew what he was doing if he wasn't drunk. "So then you knew?"

"Knew what?"

"What you were doing when you kissed her?"

"I did not kiss her. She kissed me." He sound agitated now.

"Nath, I saw the pictures. Your hands were all over her."

"I was trying to push her away from me," he still sounded mad.

"I-I want to believe you, but do you know how hard it is to? The pictures, well they look like you were seriously making out with her."

"Baby, I know, but you have to believe me. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

"Well that's not true because that hurt me." I added, "Pretty badly too."

"Do you love me?"

I couldn't answer. The tears were pouring out of my eyes now. He said with a shaky voice, "Ari"

I answered through the tears, "Yes I love you, but I-I am just hurt right now. I don't know what to say other then I am disappointed." I sucked in one of those sobby breaths.

"I love you, and that's all that I know right now." His voice suddenly sounded very small. I didn't have anyting to say. "I love you, more then anyone or anything Ariana. Please forgive me and I know you are angry and upset, but please just know that I am sorry and don't want to fight. Okay?"


"I'm going to go now, but-" he paused, searching for the right words, "I didn't kiss that girl back alright? I hope you believe me. Love you. Bye." The line went dead. I balled my eyes out. How could he say that he didn't kiss her. His hands were all over her. Plus if she just quote on quote kissed him then why was his mouth open? Huh? These were the questions that I wanted to know the answers too. I was just emotionally and physically exhausted right now.

***I hoped you enoyed this chapter! Please vote, comment, and keep reading. Thanks so much for all of your support and comments. It really means a lot to me:D***

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