Chapter 16

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I wanted to scream and pull my hair out. Today was easily one of the most stressful days of my whole entire life. Why did people have to go and complicate things? Grrrr. I jumped in my car and put the key in the ignition. I just wanted to go home and away from the set.

Driving out of the parking lot, I turned on the main road. I stopped for the red light and turned the radio on. Of course there was nothing good on. I finally found a decent sounding song. Right as I looked up the light changed. I pushed my foot on the pedal and started forward. Suddenly, a small red car ran the red light and came at me from the side. I quickly slammed on my brakes. Rolling down my window and honking, I yelled, "JackAss!" He slowed down a bit, but kept going.

I slowly made my way through the intersection. Thankfully the car behind me didn't hit me when I slammed on my brakes. What was with people today? Did no one care about anyone? I made it home fairly, quickly. I was probably speeding the whole way, though. All I wanted to do was take a nice hot bubble bath and call Nath. I knew that he would calm me down and that I could complain to him for hours on end and he wouldn't get annoyed.

I rode the elevator up to my level. I didn't quite have a penthouse, but my apartment was very nice. I unlocked my door and stepped through. I hung my keys on my key holder, right by the door. I started to head towards my kitchen when I noticed...

Petals? Where there rose petals on my ground? I did a quick 360 with my eyes glued on the ground. They were rose petals! Where did they come from? There was a pathway leading to my bedroom. I followed it. I gingerly pushed the door open. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand. I blinked a few times, to see if what I saw was real. There were hundreds of flowers. Literally hundreds. They were in vases all around my room. The vases were on little shelves that looked like stairs. They went up to the ceiling. Some were just lying on the ground. They all were different kinds of flowers, but all a purple color. Periwinkle, my favorite color. I was in complete awe. The flowers on the ground made a path to my bed which was covered in petals.

I followed the path and careful sat on my bed, looking around the room. I could cry, it was so beautiful. I felt the rose petals on my bed. There was movement to my right. I jumped onto my knees on the bed, facing the movement.  Out of the tower of flowers came a man. My body tensed in anticipation. For a second, I thought I was going to have to fight the mystery man.

Relief shot through me quickly as I saw Nathan holding a bouquet of red roses. "Nathan," it was barely a whisper. He set the flowers on the ground and jumped on the bed. He pulled me into his chest in a tight hug and whispered in my ear, "-"


"Mate it's going to be fine," Jay's voice came through my phone. I was nodding my head and pacing around the airport.

"I know. I know, but the plane is already late and if it is even later then there is no way I can get there and set everything up." I was freaking out. This had to be perfect, it had to go exactly as planned.

"I know you're stressed Nath, but-," a voice came on announcing flight arrivals and such.

"Sorry Jay, got to go. Call you soon." I threw my phone in my pocket and listened to the speaker.

A woman's voice called out a bunch of different flight numbers, but not mine. My heart sunk a little in my chest. Her voice came back on, "And Flight 134's aircraft just arrived. We will try to get you out of here within the hour." Color flooded back into my face. I was going to make it.

Well that took longer then expected. I was getting a spare key from Scooter to Ariana's flat. Of course he wanted to chit-chat. I did not want to chit-chat and I did not have time to chit-chat. I sped all the way to Ariana's building. I parked a few blocks away and walked to her building. Although the car was a rental, I did not want to get her suspicious. I knew it was silly, but I was NOT taking the chance. I stopped in front of the building. The shelving guys should be here within 30 minutes and the flower company within an hour. Now all there was to do was wait. I hated waiting.

"Alright. That looks amazing. Cheers mates." I shook the five guys hands and followed them outside the building. They put up the rented shelving system and it looked great. Well as good as random tall shelving could look. They took off in their company car and minutes later a huge, and I mean huge, flower truck arrived. "Perfect timing," I mumbled to myself.

I went to greet the driver, "Hello my name is Nathan." He came around the side of the truck and shook my hand.

"It's nice to meet you son, I'm Bob. I brought along four other guys to help set up all the flowers."

"Alright, sounds good." I followed him to the back of the truck. He pounded on the back twice and the huge door thing was opened from the inside. I was greeted by four smiling men and hundreds of flowers. Some of them in vases and some not.

After a quick introduction we got to carrying the flowers up to the third floor and Ariana's place. We took the stairs because the lift would take much to long or at least that's what they said. I personally, would have rather took the lift, but you don't always get what you want. So there I was stuck carrying hundreds of flowers up three fights of stairs.

On the third trip up, one of the workers told me, "You know it's not everyday we get an order this big and have it not be for a big event."

"Yeah, I just wanted to do something special."

"Well this is special, that's for sure." I nodded and we continued to take the flowers upstairs.

After about a hour all the flowers were in place, in Ariana's room, and the flower guys had left. I took a step back and admired my work. Well I didn't do all of it, but it was my plan. Or at least kind of my plan. I actually had to give Nareesha half of the credit for the idea of hundreds of flowers and flower petals. Petals! I had almost forgot. I went into her kitchen and grabbed the first of three bags of petals. Hmmm, where exactly should I put them? I thought for a minute and decided just to spread them from the front door to her bed.

I opened the bag and started to sprinkle them on the ground. It only took two bags to make the path. I still had one left. I opened it up and dumped it on her bed. With my hands I spread it all over her duvet. Once they were evenly spread across the whole bed, I tiptoed out of her room, trying not to mess up the petals. I really should have started from the bed first so I wouldn't tread on all the petals. Too late now though. Once I was out I peeked at a clock. 4:00 O'clock. Scooter told me that Ariana would be here around 6. I had time to shower.

I found where she kept her towels and made my way to the guest bathroom. After my shower, I started to get ready. When I say I got ready, I mean that I did my hair and put on cologne and DO. I forgot to bring clothes with me to the bathroom so I wrapped  the towel around my waist and walked to my suitcase that was tossed on her couch. I dug through it and found my suit in it's plastic cocoon on the bottom. I hoped it wasn't too wrinkly.

I check myself in the mirror, one more time. It was 5:50 and she would be home any minute now. I felt my blood speed up in my veins. I grabbed the only red bouquet, the rest were periwinkle. It was her favorite color. I stared at her room, from outside the door. Where should I hide? Her bed was in the middle of the room, pressed against the back wall. Hmmm I decided to hide in the wall of flowers to the left of the bed.

Once I was in position, I really couldn't move. There were flowers completely surrounding me. If I even sneezed, they would come crumbling down on me.

After what seemed like an eternity, but was probably only a few minutes I heard the door opened. Within a minute, I heard her bedroom door open and a gasp. I smiled to myself. The light was flicked on, and I straightened my tie. I watched from my hide way, she jumped on the bed and was smiling. She laid her hand on the bed and ran her fingers through the petals. I took a step forward and she jumped towards me. I knew she couldn't see me though.

I continued to stepped out. She saw me and barely whispered my name. I jumped on the bed and took her in my arms. It still amazed me, just how perfectly she fit in my arms. She was shaking slightly. I couldn't tell if she was crying. I kissed the top of her head and whispered to her, "It's alright, baby. I'm here now."

***2,000 reads! Ah guys I can't believe it:D Thank you so much, please continue to comment/read/vote. I also hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it was a bit cliche, but I could honestly see Nathan doing that. Anyways thanks again!***

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