Chapter 10

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We finished all of our shows together. I was going to miss him. It would be a long distance relationship, but I knew  we would make it work. I also knew that we would both visit each other often.

Before he went back to the UK, there was one thing left to do. Disneyland. He had to go, and I knew he would love it. I set my alarm for 5 in the morning. I wanted to get there early and spend the whole day there. I lounged on the hotel bed, on my phone. I decided to send a tweet:

Going to Disneyland with @Nathanthewanted. Can't wait:)

Within seconds he tweeted back:

Heeey I was just about to say that @Arianagrande :P

I rolled my eyes at my phone and  tweeted back:

Great minds think alike;) @Nathanthewanted

My followers were quickly commenting about this. Asking if we were dating and other stuff. I also got a lot of hate. I sighed to myself, sooner than later, we needed to tell everyone about us. I turned my phone  off. We had a big day ahead of us tomorrow.


I was standing on the sidewalk outside of the hotel, waiting for Ariana. We were taking a bus to Disneyland. We were close to Disneyland so the ride wouldn't be too bad. C'mon Ari, what are you doing up there. I wanted to get a move on and the bus would be arriving any second now.

I was just about to phone her, but she came rushing through the revolving door. "Hey Nath, sorry I was running late." She had on Minnie mouse ears, which I found adorable.

"Its alright, love." I pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek. The bus pulled up and we got on. We sat in the back, holding hands the whole ride. Even though we were both famous and could have taken a limo there; I liked taking a public bus. It made me feel normal again.

We pulled up to the entrance and got out. I was speechless, "Wow," was the only thing I could muster to say.

She laughed, "C'mon Nath, we have rides to ride." She put her arm around mine and tugged me forward. We got passes for both the main park and California Adventure. I hadn't even known that there was two parks.

I took my first steps in Disneyland and a smile began to grow on my face. Ariana peeked at me and smiled too, "Can't help but smile, huh." I nodded, "That's Disneyland for you, its magic." I had a feeling that I was really going to like Disneyland.

"So what ride should we go on first?"

She thought for a second, "That's a good question. Well there is the obvious big ones like Space Mountain, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Matterhorn, -"

I interrupted her, "Which one is your favorite?"

"I don't have a favorite, they all are just too good. We should go to space mountain though, that one's line always gets big." She entwined her fingers with mine and we walked towards Space Mountain. On the way there she told me about everything Disney. How there was different "zones" like New Orleans, Tomorrow Land, and stuff like that. I couldn't wait to ride everything.

After waiting in a relatively fast line, we got in the "spaceships." The lap bar came down and I grabbed on it, Ariana grabbed my hand and looked at me, "Ready for the ride of your life?"

"Yes!" The spaceship went through a spinning tunnel. It was amazing, but I was starting to get queasy. Thankfully that bit ended and we plunged into a pitch black room with stars, everywhere. My jaw dropped, I felt like I was floating in space. I couldn't see the track or where we were going. I squeezed Ariana's hand. I couldn't help but laugh and scream like a little kid. We stopped and went through a tunnel which let out a huge flash. Ow that was really bright. I rubbed my eyes, but I still couldn't see.

We stepped out of the spaceships and walked outside. "So what did ya think?"

I smiled, "That was like, I don't even know. I literally thought we were in space. That was amazing. Let's go ride more rides." I grabbed her arm and pulled her along, but stopped. I had no idea where I was going. I stuck my hands in my pockets, "Sooo what are we going to do next?"

She laughed at me. "It's not like you are excited or something."

"Psssh not at all." She poked me in the side. Out of nowhere a little girl showed up behind us. She tapped Ariana.

"Um excuse. Are you Ariana?" She asked innocently.

Ariana bent down a little and sweetly said, "Yes I am and who are you?"

"My name is Anna and I love you," the little girl wrapped her arms around Ariana and hugged her. Ariana hugged her right back. Anna's mom showed up and said, "Sorry miss, she saw you and had to come over."

"Don't be sorry it's alright."

Anna grabbed Ariana's hand and asked, "Who is that?"

She was pointing right at me. Ariana hesitated, we hadn't publicly announced or relationship yet. She shrugged to her self and said, "Well Anna that is my boyfriend."

"Do you like him?"

She laughed, "Yes, I do."

"He looks nice," quickly changing the subject she held up a little book,"would you please sign this."

"Yes, but are you sure? This is your princess book."

"But you are a princess." Ariana put her hand on her chest and let out a Awe. She signed the book for her and then hugged her.

"Thank you sweetheart."

The mom grabbed her child's hand and told Ariana thank you. We walked away and Ariana had the biggest smile on her face. "That girl loved you."

"She was so cute, that just made my day."

"She was adorable, what was that book anyways?"

"It's like a book you buy and have Disney Princess sign."

I made an O with my mouth, that made everything make more sense, "Well she was lovely and your lovely." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

We rode so many rides that I lost count. We had a wonderful lunch somewhere in "New Orleans." We had plenty of fun snacks too like the mickey mouse ear ice cream. I had the best day ever. I can't believe how much fun I had. We were on the bus, riding back to the hotel. I had to leave early for my flight.

"What was your favorite ride?" Ariana asked me and I wrapped my arm behind her and she cuddled into me.

"I quite liked the one that like we were para-sailing and you could smell stuff."

"Oh Soarin' Over California?"

"That's it. It felt so real, I felt like we were actually doing right there, doing it."

"I know right, it's fantastic." I kissed her head. I was so in love with her right now.


I had one of the funniest days with Nathan at Disneyland today. He was just like a little kid, and that made me happy. I did not want him to leave tomorrow. We were standing outside my hotel door, saying goodbye. I hated goodbyes.


"No, don't say it." He pulled me into his chest. This really sucked. I was going to miss him so much. I just wanted to stay like this. I knew he felt the same because he didn't pull away. After a few minutes I pulled away and took his face in my hands. His green eyes pierced my soul. I pressed my lips against his. His hands wrapped around me. Our lips moved in rhythm with each other, like we had done this a thousand times. I pulled away breathless.

"Don't go Nath."

He kissed my forehead, "You know I don't want to."

"I know." He barely brushed his lips against mine.

"I'm going to miss you baby, but we will see each other soon." I nodded. He kissed my cheek. "See ya later Ari." I smiled.

"See you later Nathan Sykes," he cupped my chin in his hand and gave me one last kiss.

Almost is Never Enough, A Wanted FanficWhere stories live. Discover now