Chapter 12

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My hands were knitted together in my lap. Why was I so nervous? No, maybe it was not nerves, just excitement? I wasn't sure, but I was feeling something. Why couldn't she just come out? What was taking so long? Just as I said that, I saw her come through the automatic doors.

My heart skipped a beat. I threw my car door open and raced to her. I lassoed my arms around her hips, picked her up, and spinned her around. She was giggling, uncontrollably, "Naathan, stop it." I set her down, my hands still on her hips. "I missed you Nath." She ran her hand through my hair.

"Probably not as much as I missed you," I leaned in and gave her a kiss, a long soft one.

*HONK* I jolted away from her and looked back to the car. I rolled my eyes at Jay. I knew I should have came by myself. I grabbed Ari's suitcases and put them in the trunk. Jay got out of the car and hugged Ariana. "Hi Ariana, its great to finally meet you in person."

"Yeah it's great to meet you to. It's way better than when you and the other boys crash in on me and Nath's Skype dates." She raised her eyebrows at him and he laughed. The smile on my face automatically appeared as I thought of all the Skype dates we had and the ones when the boys, rudely interrupted them. I didn't think, I would ever forget all those late night talks.

I got in the backseat with her, leaving Jay in the front, by himself. I was on the right and she was in the middle. Jay punched it, and drove away from the airport. "So how was your flight?" He looked at her in the rear view mirror. I put my around her and she leaned into me and grabbed me free hand.

"It wasn't to bad actually. I mostly slept." I started to play with her fingers. "What have you been up too lately?"

Jay turned on to the main street before answering, "Umm nothing much. Life has been pretty slow lately."

I made a snorting sound. "You are alright back their mate?" He didn't say it with concern, but more with suspicion.

"I am perfectly alright, but life has not been boring, as you put it. At least not for you." I raised my eyebrows, ever so slightly.

"What is that suppose to mean?" Ah, he clearly knew what I meant.

I turned to Ariana and said, "You see, love, Jay met this fantastic girl a while back at a club and fell hopelessly in love, but he probably will never see her again, although I think he will."

Ariana made and O with her mouth and Jay's cheeks turned pink. "I am not hopelessly in love Nath. I haven't even thought about Lennox since that night. I don't know why you and the other boys keep insisting that I am in 'love'. Which I am not and I will most likely never see her again," I thought that I detected a note of saddness in his voice.

Ariana spoke up, "Well didn't you get her number Jay?"

"I wish, " he said without thinking about it, "I mean no, but like it doesn't matter."

"You still can't say you will never see her again. I mean England is not that big of a place and she probably lives in the area of the club." Ariana had a point.

"She's not from England." He was definitely sad or upset. I didn't know this fact either. We tried to talk to him about her, but he would never answer any of our questions. All of us clearly saw their chemistry at the club, even if he wouldn't admit it.

"Oh, sorry Jay. I didn't know."

"Me niether, sorry mate," I felt bad now. He clearly was upset.

He shrugged it off, "Its fine."

It was silent the whole ride until we pulled up to Jay's flat. We got out of the car and got her suitcases. "Thanks for dropping us off Jay," she pulled him into a hug. Jay hugged her back, but gave me a look. Shit, I had forgotten to tell her.

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