Chapter 18

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"Nathan, please just let me help you," her sweet voice came from behind.

"No." I was not going to let her help me. I said that I would cook dinner for her, and that's what I was going to do.

"Okaaay, whatever you say Nath." I nodded, she started to walk to the couch. I turned to the pot on the stove. The water was kind of bubbling, but I wasn't sure if I should put the noodles in. I was making, or attempting to make spaghetti. I picked spaghetti because I thought what fool could ruin spaghetti. I hoped I would not be that fool. I contemplated asking Ariana when I should put the noodles, but decided against it.

Today was a rough day for her. The whole Jai thing really bothered her. I knew she told me that she was fine, but I knew better then that. She was crushed, and I hated it. I was upset too. More a mad though. I was mad that he said she cheated on him with me. That was outrageous. I knew that she had a boyfriend, and I respected that. We didn't do anything. I sighed to myself as I dumped a box of spaghetti noodles into the big pot.

I looked to see where Ari was. She was slumped down on the couch, watching tv. "You okay baby," I called.

"Yeah fine." Fine, fine my butt. I desperately wanted to make her feel better.

"Ari," I called again.


"You know the whole thing about the cook right?" I stuck a giant spoon in the pot and stirred it up a bit.

"No, what thing about the cook?" She muted the TV.

"The kissing thing?"

"Kissing," she asked.

"Kiss the Cook." Although I couldn't see her face, I knew she was smiling.

"Oooh, that thing."

"Yeah that thing."

"Well you aren't getting kissed till I taste this food."

"What, that's not the rules."

"Well it's my rule." I gingerly tiptoed behind the couch. I was right behind her. Leaning against the back of the couch, I tipped my head upside down in front of her face. She squeled and I grabbed her face, kissing her.

"Mmmwaaa," I made the kissy sound and she just laughed at me.

She turned around on her knees and poked me in the chest, "You silly boy."

"I am silly , aren't I?"

She grabbed my collar and tugged me forward. I rested my head on hers, she parted her lips. I moved my lips forward. They barely made contact when she pulled away. "Better go check your spaghetti, chef."

"Buuut," I pleaded.

She gently shoved my chest, "We don't want another Pancake Fiasco on ouir hands do we?"

"Pancake Fiasco?"

"Yes Pancake Fiasco." I shrugged and smiled. Reluctantly I went back to the kitchen and finished cooking dinner.


"I'm fat." I declared as I pushed my bowl away from me.

"Love, you are the farthest thing from fat."

I smiled, "You made me fat with your stupid spaghetti."

"I didn't here you calling my spaghetti stupid when you went for thirds," he teased. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him. "Don't make that face for too long or it will stick."

"What are you? My mom?"

"No. I am not your mom, chunky," he acted all surprised as if  'chunky' had accidentally slipped from his mouth which it clearly did not.

"Oh it's on Sykes," I flew from my chair and ran towards him. He was ready for me though and ran away. He slid into my room, locking the door behind him. "NATHAN! Let me in."

"No grouchy pants."

"NOW!" He didn't answer, but I heard him russling around in my room. "What are you doing?" I tapped on the door, still no answer. I now heard a very familar sound. It was chocolate wrappers and carboard. Not my chocolates! "Nathan," I yelled through the door, "do you have my chocolates?"

His mouth was full as he answered, "Ah no."

"Nath! Not my sweets, please. They are so good."

"I am doing you a favor."

"How so?"

"You're chunky and these will only make you chunkier!"

"Nathan," I exclaimed, "how dare you. I am not chunky!"

"Then why did you say that?"

"Say what?"

"I'm fat," he tried to imitate my voice, but he failed.

"I don't know. I just did."

I heard the door unlock and he was there, "You're not fat or chunky. You are beautiful. And you're mine."

That boy though. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. "Thanks baby."


It was my last day here. I had only been here for all of today and half of yesterday. Time flew, way to fast.  I was leaving early in the morning. I did not want to go back.

I rested my chin on Ari's head. We were watching a movie. Well she fell asleep. Typical, she always fell asleep. I pulled her closer to me. She was sitting on my lap. My legs where stiff, but I didn't care. I just wanted to be as close to her as possible.

After the movie ended. I wrapped my arm under her legs and picked her up, hugging her close to my body. She started to stir as I walked to her room. "Nathan."


"I missed the movie didn't I?"

"Yeah." I bent my head and kissed her cheek.

I set her on the bed and started to pull down the covers. She slowly got up and dug through her drawers. I pulled one of my shirts out and threw it at her. She caught it and smiled a thanks to me. I nodded back.

I tore my shirt off, replacing it with a light, soft grey one. I pulled my trousers off and put on trackies. I looked up at her. She was still in her clothes. She blushed at me. "I'll turn around, if you want," I said.

"Thanks Nath, you're the best."

"I know," I turned around and faced the massive wall of flowers.

A minute later she said, "Okay you can look." She was in my shirt and a pair of very, and I mean very short shorts. I wasn't complaining though. I got in her bed and laid on my back. She turned the light off and I felt her jump on the bed and giggle.

I softly laughed. She curled up next to me, using my arm as a pillow. She rested her hand on my chest and put her leg over mine. "Your shirt smells like you."

"Well I would sure hope it smells like me and not some random guy." I could feel her roll her eyes at me.

"You knew what I meant Sykes."

"I know." I kissed the top of her head. I pushed the thought of me leaving tomorrow out of my head. No point in thinking about that. I wrapped my other arm around me and on her, resting on her hip. If I could stay like this forever, then I would be a happy man.

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