Chapter 11

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It sucked. Plain and simple. There was no complicated way to explain how I felt. I missed Ariana all day, everyday. I was glad to be around the lads though. They always cheered me up. We had been going around doing promoting gigs and interviews for our new album. I felt bad for the fans though. We had pushed the date back at least 2 times. Yet again, we announced another date, November 4th. Hopefully us promising that this would be the date no matter what would make them happy.

Finally our meeting about the tour, came to an end. It was late and I was exhausted. Jay clearly was not, he wasn't bouncing in his chair. He smiled, "Do you want to go clubbing?"

Clubbing? Was he serious? It was late and I think we were all exhausted. I was wrong though because Max said, "Hell yes, mate." The other lads agreed too. I sighed. With me being away from them doing stuff with Ari, I owed it to them to go.

"Well what are we waiting for?" I said, and jumped out of my chair.

After quickly getting ready we were at a club.  Everyone had someone tonight. Tom was dancing with Kelsey. Siva was talking to Nareesha in one corner. Max was with Nina. She flew in, last minute, for a UK photo shoot. Max looked so happy, dancing with her. Fortunately her shoot landed on the days that we had off so he could spend time with her. Even Jay had someone. He was dancing with a brunette, with a drink in his hand. Like Usual.

And there I was, sat at the bar. I had been sitting here for almost an hour. One good thing was that I could drink. I was happy to be allowed to drink again. That was the one thing that I didn't like when I visited America. I took another sip of my drink and pulled out my phone. I started to click around on it.


We just arrived at the club, the music was shaking the walls. Nathan immediately went to the bar. The rest of the boys, grabbed their girls and went on the dance floor. Nath might be alone tonight, but at least he had someone. I wish I had someone. I walked over to Nath, "Hey Nath. You alright mate?"


"Wanna go dance?"

"No, but you can." I rolled my eyes and left him.

I started to dance by myself. Some tall blonde came up to me and put her hands on my chest, "Hey cutie, Wanna dance?"

I nodded and started bouncing to the beat. About halfway through the song she turned around and started to grind into me, I rested my hands on her hips.

The song ended and she yelled over the loud music, "Wanna go back to my place?" Wow, she wasn't wasting anytime. She was fit. Normally I would have said yes and went with her, but not now. I didn't want to have any more one night stands. I wanted something meaningful with someone who I cared about.

I shook my head, "No, have a good night." I walked away. Time for a drink. The bartender handed me a drink, "Cheers Mate." I turned around and saw this girl dancing. She didn't look like a model or anything, but it was the way she was dancing that caught my attention. There was a look of complete happiness on face. She was completely lost in the moment; not caring about what anyone else was doing.

I weaved my way through the crowd, to her. Suddenly I was standing in front of her, staring. Idiot, what was I doing. I was just about to turn away when she said, "Hi."

She didn't stop dancing. "Hi, I'm Jay."

She laughed and stuck out her hand, "I'm Lennox." I shook her hand.

"Wanna dance?"

"I am dancing," she teased. I noticed she had an America, it was very attractive.

I couldn't help, but smile, "How about with me?"

Still dancing, she answered, "I don't know, I mean dance with some strange man, I just met in some random club?" The gleam in her eyes, let me know she was only teasing.

Strange man, I hoped that meant she didn't know I was in The Wanted. I just wanted to make a connection with someone who liked  me for me and not my celeb status. I decided to go for it and said, "C'mon, love you can trust me." I held out my hand and she took it.

I pulled us away and we started to dance. She really was a good dancer. All her moves matched the rhythm of the music, perfectly. "You're a good dancer," I yelled.

"Execuse me." Oh no, what did I do. She sounded angry or offended or both.

"I just meant like erm you dance-"

Lennox caught me off, "No like I didn't hear what you said, its so loud in here."

Phew, that was a close one, "I said you're a good dancer."

"Oh thank you and you're not too bad yourself."

I hanged out with her the whole night. I was sad when she told me she had to go. Lennox left, and I went to find the other boys.

Everyone was at the bar. I sat down and they all said, "Hey Jay."

"Hi." We chatted for a bit then we all went our separate ways. I tried to sleep, but it was impossible. I couldn't get Lennox out of my head, and I might never see her again.


Right now, more then ever I was thankful for having a lot of work. It kept my mind off of Nathan. I just missed him so much right now. I wanted to call him every second, but that was not an option. It was late  and I just got done filming for my tv show. Alone in my room, I missed him even more. I decided to call him, hoping the time difference wouldn't be too bad.

After 3 rings he picked up

Nathan - Hey Ari

Me - Hey Nath, what's up?

Nathan - Nothing much, just in bed. What are you doing?

Me - Same, I had a really busy day today.

Nathan - Ya, Why?

Me - We just had a lot of scenes to shoot. Do anything fun yesterday?

Nathan - Not really, just had a bunch of boring meetings and stuff. But we did go to club after that.

Me - And did you have?

Nathan -Nooo

Me - Why not Nath?

Nathan -Cuz everyone had someone to dance with, but me. It just made me sad and made me miss you even more.

Me -  Aw baby, sorry. How are the boys? I still need to properly meet them.

Nathan - Haha, you do need to meet them, they are going to love you.

Me - You think so?

Nathan - I know so. Hey listen baby, I have to go, but I'll talk to you later.

Me - Okay talk to you later

Nathan - I love you Ariana

Me - Love you too Nath.

I hung up my phone and sat back. I laid there for a moment before I realized something. I shot up and said aloud, "He said I love you." He had never said that before. I had said it back too or at least I thought I did. I did it automatically without thinking. Maybe he just said it automatically too. I hoped he hadn't thought. Even though I said it without thinking. It was true. I love Nathan Sykes. A huge smile broke out across my face. I loved Nathan and he loved me back. I was completely and utterly happy right now, in  this moment.

***Thanks:D Please continue to comment, vote, and read!!!!! Soooo the part with Jay and Lennox is sorta of like a sneak-peek for my next fanfic that I want to do. I have a lot of ideas for it and can't wait to get working on it, but my first priority is this fanfic so don't worry. Jay and her will be in this story, but not a whole section about them just here and there. Anyways thanks so much:)***

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