In Which They Live Happily Ever After

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{Cas's POV}

"You may now kiss your husband."

I blocked out everyone in the small garden except Dean. As an angel, I didn't quite understand marriage and all the formalities, really, I still didn't; but I knew that I loved Dean and he was legally now my other half. He was mine, and I was his.

We turned to face our small gathering of friends we met over the last year. One person stood out, though. All the way in the back, so far that I almost missed him, was Sam. Even from that distance, I could tell that he was smiling at me and his brother. I sent his invitation to the old bunker like his letter said to all those years ago. I was worried that he wouldn't make it or he wouldn't check in on our old home. I watched Sam turn and walk down the path, disappearing from sight. I glanced at Dean to see if he saw his brother, but his expression never changed. I supposed he didn't.

We walked down the pebble path Sam just left on, yet we didn't see him. We wouldn't see him again for about ten years after that. Once we were settled into our seats under the tent on the other side of the garden, one of the waiters delivered a folded note to us.

It was from Sam.

Thank you, he wrote. I'm glad I got to see you two get married. I'm glad you're happy. The red and silver box is from me.

That's all he said.

After toasts from Dean's best man, Liam, and my maid of honor, Brittney, we had our first dance.

Once again, I drifted into my world where only Dean and I existed. "Thank you for telling him," Dean whispered. "I don't know how you did it, and I don't want to know. But thank you."

"I love you."

"I love you too, my angel."


When we returned from our honeymoon to Rome, we began unwrapping wedding gifts. All of our guests told us to save them for later, so that's what we did.

The last present we unboxed was the red and silver one.

Inside, was a package of diapers, blankets, pacifiers, and five hundred dollars in cash. Dean pulled out a note that only said, You'll need this soon.

We both laughed, but I put the box in our spare room we had been saving for just that purpose.

"Do you want dinner?" I asked Dean after I came into the kitchen. He nodded before walking behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"So, this is normal married life? Are you ready?"

"I'm ready for anything. As long as we're together."

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