In Which There Is A Hunt

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{Dean's POV}

"Dean," Sam chided, as if I were a child, "you can't keep this up. When Cas wants to talk to you, he will."

I glared at him from across the table. "I'm not going on a hunt."

"Yes, you are. There's something out there that is killing people and it's our job to stop it. You can't turn your back on the world now," he said, returning my glare.

"The hell I can. If my world has turned its back on me, I have no problem doing the same." I sighed. "Cas hasn't spoken a word to me in two days. Don't I deserve a break?"

"You've never wanted a break. And even if you do now, we haven't been on a hunt for months. Not since we got our memories back." My brother stood up and filled another bowl with soup. "I'm taking this down to Cas. Make up your mind on whether or not you're going to do your job."

He leaves me alone to bring my boyfriend lunch. Cas disappeared into that spare bedroom and hadn't left it for two days. I tried to talk to him after our fight, but he refused to even look at me. When I brought him dinner, he didn't touch it. I checked on him yesterday morning, and I found him still asleep with his plate full. Sam offered to bring his lunch to him, and since I wasn't getting anywhere with him, I let him. The two of them were in that room for a while, yet I didn't know what the two of them were talking about. No matter, it apparently worked because Cas was eating again.

Maybe I should go on this hunt. It'll take my mind off of everything.

Fine, I thought to myself. I'll go, Sam.

With this decision made, I wandered into an office to find a notepad.

Dear Cas,

I don't know what I'm supposed to say to make this better. I guess you just need some space. That's what you need, right? Well, Sam and I are going on a hunt. I'm not sure where exactly, and I don't know when we'll be back. So, I made you dinner for tonight. Please eat something. Baby, forgive me. I'm such an idiot, and you're right. You don't need my permission to do anything. I'm sorry. I'll see you when we get back, okay?

I love you, Angel.


My hand shook as I wrote the last line. I set the pen on the table beside the paper. Sam was going to be a little while, gathering together everything we would need. So, I made Cas some of those BLTs that he loved so much and put them in the refrigerator. I grabbed a sticky note to put on the door and scribbled down, Dinner's in here, Cas.

I set out a glass and placemat, laying my note on the center. I'll have to tell Sam to relay the message to Cas that his dinner was ready. Hopefully, he'll find everything, especially the letter.


"I'm coming, Sammy. But first... can you do me a favor?"


The next afternoon, we're on our way back to the bunker. The case was a cut and dry vengeful spirit and we had it closed by midnight. Now, we just had to make the six hour drive back home. I rested my head against the passenger door. Sam somehow talked me into letting him drive.

"Dean?" I hummed in response, not really paying attention as I let my eyes close. "Do you think that something is wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just... in general. Do you think that something isn't right with all of us?" He sounded weary to ask this.

I was quiet for a moment, really thinking this through. "Well, now that you mention it.... You've been pretty secluded recently. And Cas has been on edge for weeks."

"And what about you?" Sam questioned, timidly.

"Me? I've been exactly the same as I've always been." I could feel the warm rays from the sun on my face. It was such a nice feeling.

"What about the outbursts?"

I straightened up, opening my eyes for the first time in the conversation. "Outbursts?" I squinted at him. I was trying to figure out what he meant and where this was coming from. "You mean with Cas?" Sam nodded. "That was all Cas's fault, not mine. He shouldn't have pushed me like he did. I didn't mean to yell at him, yet it happened. It's no big deal. You should just stay out of our relationship. Okay?"

"Whatever, Dean. I'm just trying to help."

I shot him one last glare. "Well, I don't need it." I leaned back onto the window, soaking up the heat. Right before I drifted off, I scratched my arm and it was hot. But I pushed it to the back of my mind, falling to sleep instead.

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