In Which Dean Realizes

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{Dean's POV}

Sam and I stayed to clean the kitchen and wash dishes whenever Cas left. I told myself that I would find him once we were finished. It looked like he had something to say. And if he didn't, I did.

I saw Cas watching me the entire time we were supposed to be watching the movie. There was something going on that he wouldn't tell me, but that was going to change. As soon as I found Cas, he was going to tell me what was wrong.

My hands started to tighten around the plate I was drying, and it shattered. Sam looked at me with curiosity, yet continued to wash a pan in the sink. I sighed, bending to retrieve the broken pieces of china.

I cleared my mind of everything once I cleaned up the mess I created. I did a good job of this too because I didn't have a single thought as my brother and I finished our jobs. Only when I heard an engine running outside did I break from my trance of sorts.

"Do you hear that?" I asked Sam.

He nodded and went to look out the door. He came back a moment later, frowning. "Since when can Cas drive a motorcycle?"

"Um," I said, trying to dig through my new, as well as my old, memories. "Since high school, I think." I wasn't too sure because it was still pretty hard to recall the memories Cas returned to me. But I thought that his brother taught him when we were around fifteen.

Then, it hit me as to what he was saying. "Cas left?"

I walked to the door, needing to see for myself; but when I got there, the only thing that was in my line of sight was a cloud of dust leading away from the bunker.

My shoulders slumped. "He left," I whispered to myself. "I can't believe he left."

A thousand questions swarmed through my head as I returned to my brother.

Why did Cas leave? Where did he go? When was he coming back? Was he even coming back? Did I do something? Could I have done something to stop this? What could I do now? Should I go after him? Should I just wait for him to come home? What was I supposed to do?

"Do you know what happened?" I questioned Sam.

He shook his head, leaning back on the counter. "Maybe he just needed to get away for a little while. He'll be back, trust me."

I nodded, though I wasn't too sure. "I'm going to my room," I announced. Cas wasn't the only one who needed to get away. The only difference was that I wasn't running away from everything. I was just waiting for my problem to come home.

If he came home.

I chose to spend my time taking a shower instead of waiting for Cas. I can do all of my thinking in there.

Ten minutes later, the hot water was running over me, easing out the knots in my back. Once I finished bathing, I let the water stream around me. I couldn't get out just yet. After who knows how long, the room was foggy, and I stepped out of the shower. I dried off and wrapped my towel around my waist before I left the bathroom.

When I opened the door, the first thing that I noticed was Cas who was sitting on my bed, taking off his shoes.

"You finally decided to come back?"

He looked up, startled. "What? Oh. I just wanted a little fresh air. Was I gone that long?"

I rolled my eyes and ignored him so I could get dressed. I could feel Cas's eyes on me, but I didn't really care.

"I don't want to deal with this right now." I turned around, pulling my shirt on. "Or you for that matter. Why don't you go take a shower or something? Or would you rather go for another drive?"

Cas's eyebrows tilted upwards, and he looked upset. If he wanted to say something, he didn't. He simply did as I said and took a shower.

And I went to bed.

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