In Which He Can Take Care Of Himself

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{Sam's POV}

After I took the Mark, I didn't feel too different. What I could feel, though, was the tension building in the room. So, I packed my things and left that night. I wrote Dean and Cas letters and left them on the table. I asked them to only read their letter; though, I didn't know whether or not they listened to my request.

My first stop was to Stanford. I wanted to go to the place that my story started. I paced around the campus for days, just reminiscing on the memories I had there. Before I left, I stopped by the old apartment Jess and I shared all those years ago. That was the beginning of everything, really. I just had to see it one last time.

That morning, I took the first flight to Brazil.

I wasn't sure why I wanted to visit there, but I did. I screwed around for a few weeks before getting on another plane. I didn't even know where I was going at the time.

That became my life from then on. I would get on the first plane that was leaving the nearest airport and I would go wherever it took me. I would spend anywhere from a few days to a few months in that one area, then leave once again. I payed for everything with the same tricks I've been using my whole life. I moved from motel to motel, just like always. The only difference was that I was fighting the monster in me, rather than a supernatural one.

And that was how I lived: never stopping, never looking back, never making any connections with anyone or anything.

I wasn't a great life, but I was keeping the Mark at bay. Plus, Dean was happy.

That was all that mattered.

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