In Which Cas Makes A Call

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{Dean's POV}

"I love you too, Dean."

I wrapped my arms around Cas, pulling him closer. "I'm so sorry, Baby. I love you. I'm stupid. An absolute idiot."

"Shut up," he said, suddenly crashing his lips into mine.

"Again, guys? Really?" Sam must have come in at that point.

I didn't even acknowledge that he was in the room. I just held onto Cas as if my life was falling down around me. Yet, it felt like my life was finally falling back together.


After dinner, Cas and I sat on our bed in silence. He was wearing one of my old shirts, and he looked like the past twenty four hours really did something to him. The way he was staring off into space made me think that something was on his mind.

I didn't want to push him, so I decided to let him talk when he was ready.

"Cas, I'm going to take a shower; I'll be right back."

He nodded, still not saying a word. I gathered my things and went into the bathroom.

I came out twenty minutes later, the cold air hitting me as it sent chills down my spine. Cas had his back to me, but he was hunched over something he held in his lap.

Pulling my shirt over my head, I walked towards him. I sat in front of him, my back against the headboard.

"What are you looking at?" I could tell it was a picture frame, but he had it tilted so that I couldn't see the actual picture.

With a sigh, he turned the object around. It was a picture of us at the beach. That day felt like centuries ago, even though it was only months. I had brought a camera along, and Cas wanted pictures of everything. We stopped a random woman that was jogging to get a picture at one point. The one he was looking at was a crooked one that I took at arm's length of me kissing Cas on the cheek. It was right at sunset, so the light made Cas's face glow. The way he looked so young and happy prompted me to frame it.

"What happened?"

I stared at him for a long moment, trying to decipher what that was supposed to mean.


"To us." He turned the picture back towards him and looked at it. "What happened to us, Dean?"

"I... I don't-"

Cas closed his eyes, shaking his head slightly. "No. Don't say that you don't know. Don't say that you don't know what I'm talking about. Dean. You know what's wrong."

I reached my hand out and laid it on his. "Cas, do you think there's something wrong?"

"Of course, I do." He didn't even open his eyes. "And you do too. You know what the problem is."


At last, his blue eyes were on me. "It's the Mark, Dean. It's the Mark."

I touched the raised skin. "The Mark? What is that supposed to mean?"

"It's turning you into a monster!"

"A monster?" I growled. "You think I'm a monster? Cas, I've hunted my entire life, and I've seen monsters; I'm nothing like them."

He shook his head. "But you didn't. Remember? You had a normal childhood."

"Oh," I snapped, "sorry. I forgot. You wiped my memories because you think only about yourself and if I couldn't remember you, you couldn't feel guilty. Even more so if you couldn't remember me. Right?"

"No! I loved you; I still do. I did that because I didn't want you to be hurt."

"So, you made me a hunter?" My voice was reaching dangerously high volumes now. "Your idea of me not getting hurt was to put me in a deadly job where I risked my life every day. Thanks. I definitely feel loved."

"Dean, please just listen."

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