In Which They Leave Too

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{Cas's POV}

We searched very room in the bunker. Twice. Eventually, we gave up and assumed that he wasn't in the bunker. When a missing car proved us correct, we had a new question to answer: Where did he go?

"Every minute that we waste here," I told Sam, "is another minute that he's driving further and further away. You have to have some idea of where he might be."

Sam sighed. "I have an idea. What are the chances that he has his cell phone on him?"

"If he took his jacket, very good. Why?"

"I might be able to track him."

I nodded. "Do it."


"He's in Lawrence. He went home."


"I can't believe he didn't take Baby," I said in awe. Sam grabbed the keys to the Impala and unlocked the doors. He got in the driver's side as I got in the passenger's.

"How long will it take to get to Lawrence?"

We pulled out of the garage and started onto the road.

"I don't know," Sam replied. "A few hours, maybe." He looked over me: my hands nervously gripped around the seatbelt, my lower lip crushed between my teeth, my eyebrows creased into a sharp V. "Cas, it's late. Go to sleep and I'll wake you when we're close. Worrying yourself sick isn't going to help Dean."

I shook my head. "I can't just go to sleep." I looked out the window, but the sky was so dark, my reflection was the only thing I saw. "Not while Dean is out there. Not while he could be in trouble."

"Alright," he sighed. "Did you find anything on the Mark while we were gone?"

I thought back to that index card. THERE IS NO CURE. If the Men of Letters didn't have any information I'm that secret vault, there was no way that they would have anything else.

Was there really no cure, though? Surely we could fix this somehow. There's always a way with the Winchesters. That's something I've learned from all my years with them.

"No," I regrettably informed him. "Nothing."

Sam's head lowered, but nodded. "That's alright. We'll figure something out. We always do. There has to be an answer somewhere. We just haven't looked there yet."

I smiled at his false hope. I knew that he was seeing that our resources were running dry, and our options were very limited.

Instead of pointing this out, I rested my head on the window, quickly falling asleep.


"Cas." Someone was shaking me awake. "Cas, wake up. We're here."

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