Chapter seventy one.

Start from the beginning

He does notice however because he’s Harry and he always seems to notice everything about me.

‘’Hey it’s going to be ok your dad was really supportive about our relationship. He’ll support this too’’ Harry says his voice soft and caring as he rubs my thigh a little.

‘’I always am’’ He laughs sporting a cocky smile.

We arrive at my dad’s house a little soon that I’d hoped we would.

‘’I love you and everything will be fine’’ Harry says taking my hand in his as we knock on the door.

‘’Emma, Harry great to see you both’’ My dad greets us excitedly leading us into the living room.

‘’So anything interesting to tell me?’’ Dad says taking a seat on the sofa opposite us.

‘’Well yeah actually’’ I say trying to think of how to actually tell him.

My dad motions us to go on with his hand.

‘’We’re sort of getting married again’’ I stutter a little.

‘’What?’’ my dad says chuckling a little.

‘’Well we decided we want to be married for real so we’re sort of re-doing it and renewing our vows’’ I say.

‘’You can’t be serious’’

‘’Umm we are’’ I say nervously.

‘’This is ridiculous you’re far too young’’ dad laughs.

‘’can’t you just be polite and respect what we want’’

‘’Of course not this is the most fucking stupid thing I’ve ever heard’’ he laughs again.

‘’Chris with all respect don’t you think you’re being a bit dramatic and hurtful towards mine and Emma’s relationship’’ Harry says calmly.

‘’You don’t deserve my respect so no I think I’m perfectly right Emma’s my little girl and this isn’t right’’ Dad says.

‘’I’m not your little girl and I haven’t being for a long time’’ I snap.

‘’Yes you are you’re 18 for god’s sake’’

‘’No I’m really not. Was I a little girl when I had to grow up alone because I didn’t have a mother and had to figure it all out for myself? No. was I a little girl when I was at home alone for hours on end because you worked night shifts because you were too proud to take grandmas money? No. Was I a little girl when I looked after grandma more than you ever did because you were too broken? No. Was I a little girl when I pretended to be fine just so as not to upset you even more? No. Was I a little girl when I cut my thighs and then cleaned up the mess? No. Was I a little girl when I tried to kill myself on more than one occasion? No. Was I a little girl when you treat me like property and forced me to get married? No. Was I a little girl when Harry broke my heart and you weren’t around to pick up the pieces? No. Was I a little girl when my grandma died and I didn’t eat for three days and yet again you weren’t there? No. Was I a little girl when you made me do a speech at grandma’s funeral because it was too hard for you when I’m sure it was just as bad if not worse for me? No. Was I a little girl when I had to sort myself out and try to move on? No. Was I a little girl Harry and I argued or had some sort of relationship problem? Was I a little girl when I found myself wanting to cut again? No. Am I a little girl right now when my dad’s acting like a complete and utter c*nt? No. You see I haven’t been your little girl for a long long time’’ I say half shouting half crying.

Harrys arms wraps around me as he tries to steady me and clam me down but it doesn’t help I’m too angry and upset.

‘’Em baby I didn’t know’’ Dad whispers his voice cracking.

‘’No you didn’t did you? Because you’ve always been too wrapped up in your own problems to notice your daughter was completely and utterly broken. Y’know for someone who works in a mental health hospital you clearly don’t notice much do you? Why didn’t you notice that I wouldn’t leave my bed for days? Why didn’t you notice that I cried myself to sleep every night? Why didn’t you notice my blood stained pyjama pants? Why didn’t you notice just how broken I was and still am?’’

‘’I’m so sorry baby’’

‘’No you don’t get to be sorry… you don’t get to call me baby… I’m done with you I’m one hundred percent done with you if I ever get better it won’t be while you’re around dragging me down. Y’know I used to worship you, I used to think you were amazing for raising me alone, I used to think it was ok that I took care of myself, I used to think it was ok that you weren’t there for me. But it wasn’t and it still isn’t’’

‘Emma please?’’

‘’No just because I’ve finally told you everything doesn’t mean anything you cant help me and even if you could I wouldn’t want you to’’ I stand to my feel Harry following after me.

We walk straight out of the house and into the car and drive away, I don’t look back because I don’t want to give myself a chance to re-think things.

‘’don’t like and say you’re ok because I know you’re not’’ Harry says placing his hand on my thigh as he drives.

‘’I’m fine, I feel better actually finally doing what I’ve needed to do for a long time’’ I lie I’m half telling the truth I did need to do this but I’m not fine and I don’t feel better.

But it’s all ok because this marriage will fix everything right?

Authors note ----- thank you all so much for reading, I love you all.

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Thanks again, love Molly xxxx

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