It's Okay

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America's POV

I couldn't have asked for a better life. Three amazing children and a husband who loves me. A country who is at peace. But I can't help but think that my son Jeremy could be a little more helpful. 

"I'm worried, Maxon," I say. It's past midnight and my husband and I just got back from a meeting about the selection. We're both in bed, I'm sitting up while Maxon is laying down, reading a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird. 

"Don't be," Maxon says trying to calm me down as he sits up and beings to rub my shoulders lightly.

"How can I not be," I say outraged. "Jeremy didn't show up to today's meeting and doesn't even seem to care. What are we going to do with the boy, how will I trust that he won't set this country to flames. He will rule one day and by his actions right now, he is showing me that he is not capable to do it."

"Mer, calm down, I'm sure Jeremy will come to his senses eventually."

"I just don't see what we did wrong," I say hopelessly and Maxon wraps his arms around me, bringing me close to him.

"We didn't do anything wrong. It was him who decided to make the poor choices maybe in the future he will choose different."

"I really hope so because if not we have to wait another five years for Samuel to get married so that he can rule Illea."

"Well then consider us lucky, we have a back up," Maxon says smiling.

I bark out a laugh, rolling my eyes. "Yeah," I say jokingly as Maxon chuckles.

My smile doesn't fade as I cuddle next to my amazing Maxon. I love him with all I am and it breaks my heart to know that many years ago I had second thoughts about us.

"Goodnight, my love," I whisper tiredly.

"Goodnight, my one and only dear."

I fall asleep with a smile. 

Jeremy's POV

I'm climbing into bed when a knock on the door stops me.

"It's one in the morning, who on earth could that be," I mumble as I approach the door.

I open it and see my sister standing there. She is wearing the same light blue dress she wore at dinner, but it's dirty and damp and she seems to have a piece of straw sticking out on the side of her head.

"What happened," I say, surprise and amusement present in my voice.

She walks inside my room and sits on the bed as I close the door and I walk over. Standing in front of her I pull out the piece of straw stuck within her red hair.

"You look like you were rolling around and mud and... hay," I say laughing.

"You were the only person I thought to talk to," she says and I slowly take in her serious tone and sit beside her worriedly.

Kate and I have always been close, we tell each other everything, I'm not sure what I would do without her. We're only a year and a half apart so before Sam was born we did everything together. She was my best friend. I might be an idiot when it comes to girls but I would do anything for my little sister.

I know something is bothering her when she gets quiet and spends time alone. She is usually bubbly, much like my aunt May, so it's easy to see when she's had a rough day.

"What's wrong, Kate."

"I think I might have ruined my life forever," She says.

"What, why. What did you do, are you hurt?" I ask putting a protective arm around her sagging shoulders.

"No, I'm fine, but I was putting Snow away in the stables and Cass came in. We were talking and then he kissed me, I was shocked at first but then he told me how much he's always liked me and I kissed him back, we ended up-"

"Wait, you slept with him?" I ask alarmed.

"No! No, I was going to say that we ended up... kissing and talking about us in a relationship. Mom and dad are going to be mad."

Cass, or Cassidy was Aspen and Lucy's first son and I could tell that he and my sister both liked each other. I guess they finally did something about it.

"Why would they be mad?" I ask confused.

"Well, when I turn eighteen in a few months I'm going to leave to be married off to some prince. Now that I have a relationship it will be harder for me to leave. Mom and dad will make me stop this for my own sake," she ends sadly.

"You don't know that. They might be happy that you finally got together."


"Oh please, Kate. Everyone in the freaking palace knows how head over heels you two are for each other."

Kate blushes red and I laugh at her. She pushes me playfully and I ruffle her messy hair.

"Stop," she whines.

"How on earth did all of this mess happen anyways," I say pointing at her hair and dress.

"It's raining outside and when I was running towards the palace I slipped and fell, that's why I have mud everywhere."

"Oh," I say laughing out loud. "I wish I caught that on tape.

"Oh shut up, Jem!"

"You know I love you," I say grinning.

"Yeah, I do and I also know that I need to go to bed."

"Yeah, I should too."

My sister stands up and I notice the stein she leaves behind.

"Kate!" I yell as she opens the door. I point at the damp spot and she laughs before leaving.

I crawl into bed, exhausted from today even though I didn't do anything and ditched all of my meeting. What? A prince needs his break days.

I close my eyes and fall asleep but the next morning I wake up from the weirdest dream. I dream of someone, someone I have never even thought I'd dream about. And the dream scared me even more. For some reason I dreamt I was having someone being taken away from me and that person was not my mom, or my dad. Not even my amazing siblings, it was Amanda. 

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