Wedding Bells

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Jeremiah's POV

"The plane is waiting," I mumble as I hug Amanda tightly. She lets go hesitantly and kisses me.

"Go," she says sweetly. "We'll be here waiting for you." I look over at Evangeline and smile sadly. I'm going to miss them both so much. I kiss my baby's forehead and then Amanda again. I leave the door with my heart breaking. I just wish Evangeline would be healthy enough to travel, then we would be going as a family.

My family and I board the plane, along with Aspen and his family. I remember hearing from Kate what happened between her and Cass. I wonder what's going to happen now. I honesty hope they makeup, they've been friends for so long that it would be sad to see it disappear.

The plane ride is long and I take a nap after a while of sitting around, reading and joking around with my brother Sam. God I miss this little guy, with all that's been going on I feel like I haven't been able to see him these past couple of months. We catch up and he tells me that he is nervous for the wedding. He's the ring barrer and is nervous he is going to drop and lose the rings before he has to hand them over. He's also freaked out of Kate, doing anything crazy. I just laugh because, it's true, our sister is full of surprises. My parents are excited, they finally get to see Nicoletta and Antonio again and of course see the beautiful city of Italy one more time. Last time they were there, they were twenty years younger and newly weds.

When we land I have sleep in my eyes and I stumble on my way out of the plane. "Doesn't he look like he did when he was ten, Maxon?" My mom says giggling. I roll my eyes, fixing my hair and rubbing my eyes in the process. We walk outside, a chauffeur escorting us to a limousine. The drive to the palace isn't long and when we arrive I see Kate standing next to Leo. She looks so happy, waving and jumping like a lunatic. When my brother and I exit the car she's already running towards us and engulfing us in a strong hug.

"I missed you guys so much!" She squeals. "God, Sam have you gotten taller, I swear you were at my shoulders before I left."

Sam rolls his eyes at her. "I passed your shoulders when I was ten, Kate."

She giggles and hugs him again. "Your voice has gotten deeper too. Don't you think Jem?" She asks me. I grin, looking down at my brother. His pink cheeks and annoyed look makes me laugh.

"Kate, I swear-" he grumbles before my parents interrupt.

"Katelyn, sweetheart. Look at you," my mom says smiling. "Mom, Dad!" Kate screams and goes to hug them too. I wish Amanda was here.

I watch as Kate turns around and sees that Aspen and his family are here too. She greets Cass's parents and leaves him for last. "Hey Cass," I hear her say. I watch as Cass and Kate walk away.

We make our way into the palace and I watch as Nicoletta and my mom jump around like school girls when they see each other. I greet Leo; I remember him since the last time we were here. I want to ask him some questions though, make sure he's right for my sister. Not that my opinion would change anything. They are getting married, the agreement has already been signed.

We visit Antonio in his room and my mom and dad stay in after to talk to him. I really feel bad for what's happening. No one should have to go through that, I can't even imagine what it would feel like to be in Leo's shoes. Losing a parent like that must be horrible.

We spend the day all together, and it looks like she and Cass made up which is good. He keeps ruffling her hair like he used to. She really hates when people do that and by the look she keeps giving him, her dislike for it hasn't changed.

Kate and Leo look really happy together and I'm glad she was able to fall in love. Leo and Kate go to sleep early, excited for tomorrow and soon we all follow.

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