Bad News

17 1 0

Katelyn's POV

A whirlwind of emotions. That's all I feel. Every time I wake up in Leo's arms every morning, our naked bodies tangled together, my heart flutters. I remember everything from the night before and a pink blush coats my cheeks. A week has passed since Leo and I arrived, a week since we made love for the first time. It seems as if with every second that passes I fall more deeply in love with everything about Leo. Every time he smiles at me, that small grin that creeps up on his soft lips, his eyes brightening up at the sight of me. It makes my heart melt and my knees go weak.

I feel the beat of Leo's heart now, it's slow and steady just like his breathing, making me feel more comfortable and warm. Leo's arms tighten around me and he shifts. I lift my head just in time to watch as his eyes flutter open sleepily.

"Good morning, beautiful," he mumbles as he kisses my lips lightly.

"Hi," I say as I curl my body even closer to his. Our bare bodies touch each other and it's the best sensation that I have ever felt. Suddenly the covers are thrown off of me and Leo picks me up swiftly, as if I weigh nothing at all.

"Where are we going," I whine, missing being under the warm covers.

"To take a nice bubble bath," he says grinning. He sets me down and I wrap my arms around my body. He starts the water and dumps soap. I watch as the giant bubbles start forming where the water falls. I feel tempted to just get in but I wait for Leo to get back with the towels. When Leo gets back we both slip into the warm water and thirty minutes later we get out, grabbing the two fluffy towels that sit on the white counter.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asks me.

"I'm kind of craving your birthday breakfast we had a couple days ago," I say grinning. Leo turned twenty-two a few days ago and we spent the day doing whatever he wanted. We hiked up a hill and enjoyed the view of the beautiful ocean. The only downfall of that perfect day was that I got pooped on by a bird. Leo laughed at me all the way home.

"That was a lot of food, you sure you're up for it?"

"Well maybe they can make smaller versions of eat dish." The cooks made some unique Brazilian dishes, they were so good. Leo definitely hired some of the most talented chefs. They also cooked the popular dishes people eat in Illea like waffles and scrambled eggs. There was french toast and fruit. I remember feeling like I had grained ten pounds that morning, but it was worth it.

"How about you order exactly what you want."

"A little bit of everything," I say. Leo grins and brings me close.

"Okay, I'll tell them right now then."

"What are we doing today," I ask.

"Whatever you want," he says kissing my cheeks and then slowly making his way down to my neck.

"We've done almost everything. Do you have movies?"

"Of course we have movies."

"Okay let's watch a movie while we eat breakfast, we'll have a lazy day," I say smiling.

"We have a lazy day everyday when I let you decide what to do," he teases. I gasp and push away from him.

I change quickly, putting a swimsuit under my clothes just in case. I run down the stairs and into the large and bright kitchen. I say good morning to several of the servants who are working around. By the time I walk into the kitchen, two woman have started on breakfast. I see the scrambled eggs cooking on the pan. The pancake batter is sitting on the counter and I can smell my favorite Brazilian dish cooking in the oven. This takes me back to the numerous times that I cooked with my family. My mother loved it and most Sundays we would wake up early and cook as a family. Sadly as Jem got older and busier, he and father couldn't come as often, but Sam, mom, and I still had a great time the days that they couldn't join us.

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