Are you really?

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Amanda's POV

At a quarter till nine I decide to go to Jeremiah's room. Yesterday I found out that I am pregnant and it's taking me a while for this whole situation to actually hit me. I am going to have a child with the next king of Illea. I'm sure that this illegal, but I'm more scared of what Jeremiah's reaction will be. I am sure he'll be mad, I just don't know how mad.

I ring my hands as my heart beat quickens. I decided earlier, with Sophia that I was going to tell him. He deserved to know, he has to. He is the father of my unborn child. Sophia, the doctor and one other maid knows. I fainted yesterday and a maid brought me to the hospital wing, she found out and later I told Sophia. I want to keep it a secret until I start showing, that's the plan.

I arrive at Jeremiah's door and knock lightly. I wait for him to open it, but he never does. Furrowing my brow I turn the knob slightly and open the door. I look inside the room to find the prince sitting on his bed. His hands are resting on his lap and his head is down, he seems sad. I close the door and he looks up slowly. I meet his gaze but then look away shyly.

"Why didn't you answer," I ask.

"I am going to ask you a question," he says, ignoring what I said. "I want you to tell me the truth."

I'm confused but nevertheless I nod as I swallow harshly. The prince stands and takes a few steps toward me before meeting my gaze again.

"Are you-" he begins and clears his throat. "Are you... pregnant?"

I gasp and I look at him with wide eyes. How does he know? He looks at me with scared eyes. They seem unable to stay on one thing as they dart around the room and finally landing on me.

"I- umm."

"You are?"

"I- yes, I am." I whisper as a tear rolls down my cheek. I look up at him and he looks shocked as he leans his body against the sofa.

"I was going to tell you, today, right now," I blubber out as I try to swipe the tears that don't seem to be able to stop.

He looks up at me with those amazing blue eyes and I shrink back. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen, I was using those pills, I was-"

"Don't apologize," he says firmly, although his voice is hoarse.

"This is all my fault, you didn't do anything. I wanted this... I guess I got my punishment," he says letting out a loud, frustrated sigh.

"What's going to happen," I say staring down at my feet.

"I honestly don't know," he responds.

"Are you going to tell your parents?" I ask.

"No, we won't tell anyone. How far along are you?"

"Two months and three days, I'll start showing soon."

"And we will figure it out when you do, but for now we don't tell my parents."

"How did you find out," I say quietly.

"I- umm, I heard Michelle talking about it with someone else."

"Oh," I say as more tears fall. Great, now the whole staff is going to know.

"Who knows?" The prince asks.

"My friend, the doctor, and this other maid. I guess it's already spreading though. Prince Jeremiah, I- your parents are going to find out soon, I mean. If the whole staff finds out I'm sure they will hear something and the doctor will let them know that one of their employees is pregnant."

ChoicesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora