Baby Part 1

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Katelyn's POV

I'm sitting outside when I see a maid coming towards me. I mentally grown knowing that my beautiful, sunny afternoon outside is going to end soon. I close the book I'm reading and mark the page.

"Sorry for bothering you, your highness," the young girl bows respectfully and I smile.          


"Her majesty wishes to see you." I refrain from rolling my eyes. I knew this was coming, I called it.

"Thank you." I stand up and start walking towards the palace. Leo is waiting for me inside but he seems a little bit off. He pulls me into his chest and kisses me lightly before leading us towards his mom's study room.

"Why does your mother wish to see us?" I ask.

"How would I know," he snaps.

"A bit grumpy are we?"

"Just a little stressed. I had a meeting today and they just gave me a new load of documents and other things. I feel like I'm not ready to be king, especially because I'm not going to have my dad to help me."

"Leo, I know you are more than ready. I mean you are amazing with everything and everyone loves you to death. I see a king in you every day and just because you won't have your dad that doesn't mean you're going to be alone, okay?"

"Yeah," he says, his shoulders becoming less tense. "I guess you're right. Thank you, love. You always know how to make me feel better." I go up on my tippy toes and kiss his soft lips for a second before hooking my arm in his again.

When we step inside the neat room I see Nicoletta sitting at her desk, she's reading papers and her brows are furrowed. She looks up suddenly and smiles, looking relieved.

"Oh thank God you two made it here fast. I wanted to finalize all the wedding things now that it's only two weeks away and I want to talk about the children's orphanage you guys want to create." She sets her glasses down on the table and motions us over.

"So where is the wedding going to be because I don't even think we have that set up yet and I am up to here with stress."

"Umm, I was thinking we do it in the church that's in the central park and then have the party here at the palace, what do you think Katie," Leo says, turning towards me.

"Yeah, that would be beautiful. I saw the church last time in the parade and it was so breathtaking."

"Yes, that church is one of my favorites," Nicoletta says as she writes something on a piece of paper. She folds it and puts in an envelope and then opens what looks like an agenda book.

"Okay so today is your wedding dress fitting Katelyn, are you aware."


"And Leo you will be fitted for your tuxedo, as well."

"Yes, today at three."

"Perfetto (Perfect). Okay, times? When is the wedding going to be?"

"Midday?" He turns to me and I nod. "At twelve everyone should be at the church from there to the palace and I guess the party will last to whenever everyone leaves. At eight Katelyn and I have to leave, our plane leaves at nine."

I look at Leo. "Really and you didn't figure to tell me that."

"I was going to," he says shrugging. I slump on my chair and roll my eyes. "Men are always so last minute," I mutter and I hear Nicoletta laugh.

"Okay, so we already planned all the food and decorations last time but anything else you guys want to add or change before I send the final order." We shake our heads. "Good. Well than, let's talk about the orphanage."

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