This Can't be Happening

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America's POV

The girls are coming in a matter of hours and it's been a full week since I spied on my son and the maid, Amanda. I feel bad, I do but when Jeremy ran off like that, I followed. I wasn't done talking to him, but then I saw them and curiosity took over. I followed them through the hallways and up the stairs. I saw them staring off into the into the city. The first thing that came over me was worry but I couldn't help but think of me and Maxon, when we were young and in love. I just didn't want to ruin it all so I sneaked away and kept it to myself. All of it. I haven't told anyone and I am planning on keeping it that way.

I look up from my plate and meet Maxon's worried eyes again.

"You're not pregnant, are you?" He asks frowning and I bark out a laugh.

"No, sweetheart definitely not, don't worry, I'm fine," I say patting his arm. He stares at me for a second. I can tell he isn't believing me but he finally looks back down and continues eating his omelet.

The doors open and my eyes shift from staring at the blank wall to my son, Jeremiah. He walks over and sits down and I still can't look at him the same way. My baby is going to be a father, he is going to have a baby. My mind can barely process that he is having a Selection, imagine this news.

"Mother," he addresses me seriously, he does that some times, for humor.

"Good morning, son," I say smiling slightly. I try to act normal, I don't want him thinking that I know.

I finish breakfast silently and stand. With a small wave to my family and leave the large dining room. I really want to go to Jeremy's room and even though it is wrong to snoop around, I want to. I don't know what I'm looking for, nothing I guess. Maybe just to visit, see his room after so long.

I walk up the stairs to his bedroom. Michelle is making his bed and she turns around quickly.

"Your highness," she says bowing.

"Please, please don't mind me," I say, my eyes scope the room. I decide to enter his study and I find Amanda dusting away at Jeremy's untouched books.

She turns and bows sweetly. I walk around and pulling out a book from one the shelves I sit down.

"May I help you, your majesty?"

I look up from the Peter Pan book I grab and shake my head a little. "No thank you Amanda I was just visiting Jeremy's room. You know it's been ages since I've really been here. If only I could go back in time and see my little four year old Jeremy again," I say smiling.

"That sounds like a really lovely memory, you majesty."

"Please, what did I say about the whole formality, call me America. It's funny to think that after all these years I am still not used to the title," I look up and I see her fidgeting with her hands.

I am staring at the woman who is carrying my son's child. I cannot believe it. I wonder if he is going to marry her, my son should. I taught him well, he should do the right thing.

I feel for this girl. The anxiety she must be going through, with all the selected girls coming; personally I wouldn't even trust Jeremy with a pen. I don't trust Jeremy with a pen. Last time Maxon and I handed him one he signed important documents that ended up ruining one of our projects. We had to start all over again. I don't even think I heard a sorry from that young man.

"It must be strange," she says slowly. "Do you mind if I ask you something you- America."

"Of course, Amanda."

"Do you miss being a five?"

I look down at my book and think hard about this question. I have been asked this question before, about twenty years ago.

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