Olivia plopped herself down on the cot and allowed the handcuffs to be taken off. The wizard tried to say a comforting word, but she remained silent and waiting until he left to let the tears flow down her face once again. Now she's really done it- now she has no way out.


"Olivia Merope Gaunt, you are hereby sentenced to twenty years in Azkaban for your use of the killing curse against another wizard and for using underage magic while outside of school grounds. Your wand will also be confiscated, and you will be prohibited from returning to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This court meeting is hereby adjourned." The wizard finished up the meeting, obviously unhappy with the verdict. Everyone in the room looked unhappy with the decision expect for one cheerily dressed witch who sat behind the main judge. She beamed behind her bubbly pink outfit and stared right back at the glaring Olivia as the girl was dragged away.

Olivia didn't cry as they dragged her away. She didn't cry when they got to the prison. She didn't cry when the dementors passed by her for the first time. She waited until she was locked away, with only one cell within hearing distance, before breaking down.

"Hello? Is someone there?" A voice whispered from the hall. Olivia flew to the iron bars, which had been reinforced by more spells than Olivia knew so that she couldn't use her extended abilities to escape. Even thinking about the bars caused a stinging behind her eyes, so she instead focused on the voice.

"Hello?" She called out, her teary voice echoing through the hall. She could barely see the other cell, as she had been placed as far away from other prisoners as possible, but apparently she could hear the other prisoner.

"Are you crying?" The voice asked, and Olivia didn't even bother to wipe the tears from her eyes.

"I've been thrown into Azkaban for twenty years. Of course I'm crying!" She sounded young and squeaky compared to the other voice, especially while crying.

"Only twenty years?" The voice chuckled, "Don't go spreading that around, anyone in here would be glad to only have twenty years."

"But everyone else in here deserves to be here!" She snapped, before realising who she was talking to, "I'm sorry, I didn't want to offend you."

The voice was silent for a moment before it spoke up again, "I used to think that way, too. Then my best friend framed me and put me in here. What'd you do?"

Olivia racked her brain to come up with anyone she knew in Azkaban with a similar story, but couldn't think of anything. She sighed and responded, "I used the killing curse on my abusive step-father. I didn't even kill him! I just blew up part of the Manor. And they gave me only 20 years because I'm a minor." She trailed off, wondering if she was telling a perfect stranger too much.

"A minor? They threw a minor in here? How young are we talking?" The male voice asked, and Olivia could've sworn she'd heard it before.

"I'm only eleven." She sniffled, realising she'd miss all of her teenage years and more shoved away in this hellhole.

"They put an eleven year old in Azkaban for defending herself? When did the world go to shit?" He responded, obviously appalled, "So you only got one year at Hogwarts?"

"One semester." She responded, deciding to not mention her powers.

"Did you meet Harry Potter? He's starting school this year, right?" The voice asked, sounding more curious than sinister.

"He's a friend of mine, actually. Why?" Olivia asked, wondering if she had been talking to a death eater this whole time.

"I was a friend of his parents and promised I'd look after him. All I get to do is rot in this horrible cell," he audibly kicked the wall out of frustration.

"A friend of his parents? How good a friend?" Olivia asked, wondering if she was talking to someone who could tell her about her parents.

"Pretty good a friend. Even though the entire world thinks I killed them," He tried to mutter the last part, but Olivia heard the words reverberate through the hall.

"Are you Sirius Black?" She asked timidly, was this the man who was a loyal follower of Voldemort and the one who allowed her parents to be killed?

"So you've heard of me," Sirius said with a nervous chuckle.

"You said you were framed? But I thought you were a loyal death eater?" She asked, no longer caring to be sensitive.

"That's how the ministry spun it. It was that filthy rat Pettigrew who sold them out, and killed those muggles. If I ever find that son of a bitch..." He trailed off.

"Now you're stuck in here? Even though you're Harry's godfather you can never see him?" Olivia asked, secretly wondering if Sirius had been named as her godfather as well. Now that she was stuck here, she'd never know.

"Exactly." Sirius started, before a dementor approached and handed off a tray to him. Sirius wouldn't talk after that, audibly stuffing the food down his throat.

Olivia could feel the little happiness she had left fleeing her as she was handed her own food. Focusing solely on the food in front of her, she followed her possible  godfather's example and started to eat as much as she can. After all, she hadn't eaten in two days. Even if she didn't know when her next meal was coming, she decided focusing on the present would be much better than looking towards her dreary future.


Extra long chapter. We've got some bonding happening next, even a little montage if I end up going the direction I think I am.

EDIT: I just fixed some minor mistakes and continuity errors, nothing to be alaramed about.

Please leave feedback and I hope you enjoyed!

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