Chapter 10: New Family

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<<Fire_Breather>> (AKA Jason)

Me and Melody barely brush shoulders together as we walk to the meeting room, I think about Userreal, of course her avatar was hot, but when I tried to stair at her, it was like I was stairing at a real live person, in the flesh.

I could also tell as I had stood up and sturmttered, in the corner of my eye, Melody was jealous, that made me rethink if she really did care about me.

As we entered the room, there were only four people waiting for us, I thought Salvation was soposed to be a big group?

Usereal was one of the, she sat crossed legged on a white couch in front of us and she staked that way, stairing at me.

There were also two boys and another girl, the girl wasnt to bad herself exept for her darker skin tone, they all wore the same thing, a black coat with gold lining the edges, only the dark skinned girl wore black tight pants instead of a short skirt.

"Well, hello there Fire" Usereal winked at me, the girl with dark hair, which she was sitting next to, rolled her eyes and stood up, and so did the boys, I also notcied they all had black hair, strange.

The girl had really long hair, and she moved her hips in a hhot way as she did her best to put on a fake smile, I knew she wwas pissed at me, but why?

She streached out her hand, "Sup, username is, Princess_IFU" Melody snickered in the the back ground, I shook Princess_IFU's hand,

"Jason" I said, and tried my hardest not to luagh, Melody shook hers and Princess took a seat next to Usereal.

Then a boy a little smaller than me shook my hand, I noticed two dual daggers across his chest, they had gold hilts and shapped an X on his chest, held by sheaths with the Burt's of the handles faceing uper-sideways, is that even I word?

He also has a some sort of sunglasses that look real high tech looking, but how, "Nice to see yeah man, I mean it cause I'm blind" he chuckled as he squized my hand hard, WAIT! What did he just say?

"Blind?" I ask,

He bids, letting my hand go and putting it back to his side, "Yep, blind, only in this world I can figure out how to make tech in her let me see wall, these glasses not only make me see like a regular human, but can also see over a mile," over a mile? That's pretty sick, this guy must be the tracked of some sort. "And the username is, Ethan, that's actually my real name"

I smile, "Jason" and then as soon as I let go of his hand I am suddenly grabbed by the neck as the other boy took his knuckles and rubbed my head hard! But, I couldn't feel it.

I chuckle anyways as he says, "Welcome to the family, Jason," I stood up as he let me go, "Names, NYoFace, I don't do any of that under score crap you guys use for spaceing" as we all chuckles, even Princess cracked a smile, this almost did feel more like a family than a murdering squad.

Welcome to the new family, I sighed, better get used to it.

* * *

Sorry for the short chapter, I have been trying to stay put with my girlfriend, and trying to get more into SAO than I really am, and my home is just another worry in my life, again.

But, whatcha guys think?

Find any spelling mistakes, errors etc...just comment! This really helps a lot :)

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