Chapter 2: What if, You Were Deleted Forever

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Dedicated to RWBYandAOT

Fire_Breather had his back hunched, his thick muscles tense as his short black hair barley covered his black eyes, why the hell am I here?, Fire_Breather wanted to ask himself, but he already knew the answer.

He was sitting on a metal table, his legs dangeling over the edge, his arms tied behind his back by ropes, he had enough skills to brake them but this room made it so difficult, these weren't natrual gqmers that had kiddnapped him.

The room had no windows, there was a naked bulb that lit the room and the door in front of him was missing, someone had entered the room, it was a big man in a black tux, he face was square and his eyes were an unatrual red, what the hell!

Fire_Breather didn't look up as the man spoke, his voice strong as boulders on an avalanche "welcome, Fire_Breather, I hope my boys didn't hurt you to much"

Fire_Breather chuckled "funny, because I cant feel anything in this damn game"

"But I can make it the opposite"

Fire_Breather flinched, no, it cant be, he cant do that! Not again, he already been through so much pain trying to hack his way to level 90!

"Jason, listen to me" the man stepped forward, Fire_Breather flinched again, not because he was scared of the man getting closer, because the man knew his real name.

"I'm sorry we have to log you out and delete your avatar, when you wake up we will have agents to take your nerve gear and send you to your home"

Not only did the man know his name, but he somehow knew that Jason wasn't even at his house. He was in a abandand building! How did they find that out!

Jason looked up, his eyes squinting "how do you know so much Mr..." Jason paused as he searched the man for his name,


"Mr 0071" Jason finally said,

The man nods "yes, now will you mind telling me why you killed that player"

"I didn't mean to kill him!" Jason blared "the knight gave me the sword, I didn't even know It would kill anyone in real life" tears stung his eyes, but he refused to let them fall on his face.

"Etheir way, we are still investigating your story, but in the mean time you will be deleted" before Fire_Breather could stop AGENT_0071, he was already on his menu, but the only thing weird was that he had an extra box at the bottom, a skull and two cross bones were in the back ground, 0071 tapped his index finger on the box and thousands upone thousands of usernames apeared, as 0071 found his name by typing his first letters, his finger hovered over it.

0071 sighed "I -we are sorry, but if we find that you are not guilty we will most likely give your nerve gear back, you could have told us three days ago what you did"

"But, but I did! Something was blocking me from sending a message, so I thought you guys were already on top of it"

The man looked confused, his finger was only an inch, an inch away so all of Fire_Breather 's avatar could be deleted, but it wasn't Jason's fault!

Jason again tried his restraints, he couldn't let this happen to him, but again the man spoke, his eyes getting darker.

"I'm sorry Jason-" the mans words went slack as the lights had suddenly went out, the naked bulb had burst into tiny fragments and hit the tips of Jason's hair harmlessly, people started to scream as if wanting mercy, but for what?, but Jason found this as his way out, with the man covering his face from the glass still flying and his menu blinking out, Fire_Breather launched off of the metal table and barley knocked than man down, he didn't mean to do what happened next, Jason's back slammed flatly on top of the mans stomach an chest, he heard a nasty SNAP! As the mans virtuale ribs broke, one of them peircing his heart, Jason's bounds dissapered and the man flashed into rectangle blues and whites, the agent was gone, and Fire_Breather was free, but left in the dark, alone.


you guys find any spelling mistakes, just comment on the word and ill fix it, I write really fast and sometimes I just read it once before publishing XD

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