Chapter 6: What If, Information Leaked

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Dedicated to YvennMeister for there help and support for my last chapter, I wouldn't have made this chapter without you.

Dedicated to RWBYandAOT for giving my some tips and ideas for my chapter title, and an idea of how Infirmation can leak.


We had pulled aside in an alley way about a mile from the pixel bath Mockingjay made, I was heaving hard, so was Mockingjay but she was shakeing badly and her face was pale.

I wanted to ask her, why? Why did you kill those people just for me to escape, but since I knew the answer the words never dared to leave my mouth.

Now her crystal was orange, just like mine, but she killed three times as many people I had killed, I didn't feel good about this. No doubt, some of those players will probably try to strike back at us wanting revenge.

Instead of asking any questions, she asked straitening her body "Why did you give him a killer sword!"

"I didn't know, ok!" I did know it could really kill, but I couldn't tell her how I found that out.

"Still, why did you give it to him"

I shurgg while taking in deeper breaths, "I was given the sword, but when I checked it out, it was light weight, but a really low level" it was true, when I found out it was a KS (Killer Sword) I had tried to find a high leveler, I sent it to him (the guy who killed the girl a little bit ago) I was hopeing he wouldn't use it, but guess he might have liked the style or something.

"Who gave you the sword?" She asks me as she sheaths her own gladious on her hip,

I scowel, so many damn questions!, "none of you're buisness!" Wrong answer,

"Damn right it is my buisness, were in the same guild, now tell me, that damned.mother fucking. KS!"

I almost take a step back from her choice of words, what a girl!, "I can't tell you here"

She groans but grabs my coat collar and pulls me close into her, her eyes stair into mine as if she was a demon after my own soul, or was about to send me to hell "You better spill, everything! EVERYTHING! I know you need me, I don't know what for, but I know you do, if you don't spill, I'm done, leaving, saranara asshole!" She spat in my face but I didn't flinch, she let go of my collar and spun around, dust lifting from her short skirt and into my face.

I shake my head in disbelief, this girl was something else, but after picking myself up, and walk behind her, following her to (I'm thinking is) our room.

Mockingjay uses her super slicing kick to hit the small of my back with her heel, after she pushes open the door, I grunt in surprise as my stomach lands on her bed, she closes the door with a BANG! and rushes for me, she unsheathed her gladious from her hip, flipping my over and pressing the blade against my throat.

"What the he-" but as she leans against me, her blade turns orange "Ok! OK!"

"Spill!" She spat, "every last word you have in that dirty mind"

I look at her oddly, ok, the wasnt really neccasary, "The knight!" I choke out,

Her eyes go wide, then they turn dark fast, she grits her teeth, her sword turning fire red! "And ... ?"

"What else do you want!" I can see it in her eyes, she was about to cry, but why?

She shakes her head, and sheaths her gladious on her hip, then I notice how she positioned herself on me, my chest was in between her legs, her skirt had barley went up but my eyes never left her face so I couldn't see any details, but she didn't last long on top of me, she hurriedly stepped off the bed, smoothing her skirt down, as I straitened myself up on a sitting position on her bed, she said,

"Sorry....I-I shouldn't have done that ..."

As she stands there awkwardly, her face staring at the floor, I take this all in, first, she virtually killed the people so I could get away, second, she almost tried to kill me with her death stair and sword, I could of sworn she wouldn't have hesitated if I didn't "Spill" soon.

She was right though, I did need her, from the first time I saw her I knew I did, but if I told her now, she would probably find a KS of her own, and kill me for reals.

"What do you think the knight is planning?" She looks up at me, then takes a few steps back and leans her shoulders against the wall for support.

I shurgg my shoulders, "No idea, but whatever it is, it has to do with something that happened before in SAO ..."

she tilts her head, "What do you mean ...?"

"I mean-" I get up from the bed only useing my legs, "That if the knight is handing out more swords like my KS, he might start a war"

As Fire_Bretaher and Mockingjay kept on talking about how "We can tell every one what's happening" And "Its a game, glitches happen all the time!" A boy wearing all black, his assissins coat and hoodie covered every part of his body, exept black gloves, and his pale nose and face, his eyes were hidden by a special shadow comeing from his hoodie, he smiled, it was always handy to have enhanced hearing, Information was slipped, and Information had leaked from the room, his tattoo on the back of his coat, printed in gold letters were: SALVATION, the boy stood up from his spot, and slowly strode out of the building as if nothing happened.

If you find any spelling mistakes, or any type of errors, let me know, and if I can add something comment on a line or word and tell me what would go best there!

Btw my form is still open for my characters/bosses etc...

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