Chapter 8: A New Challenge

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<<Fire_Breather>> (AKA Jason)

The man I had answered the door to was shorter than me by at least a foot, a Katana almost like mine but with a dark blue handle was strapped behind his back, he wore the same suit Agent_0071, he wore dark sunglasses and had rough wild black hair that didn't fit his look, and his name was,


Melody and I were now following him down a dark alley on floor one, why there hideout was in such a low floor? I don't have a clue.

"Knock three times" said Agent_1023, he had stopped before a dark metal door and then stepped aside,

I approached the door with caution, Melody took in a deep breath as I took a long sigh, Knock three times, said Agent_1023, I knocked three times, before I could take a step back, every thing around me went pitch black, at first I thought all the lights went out in SAO again, crap not again! But then ... every thing changed, a naked bulb suddenly flickered on, I was strapped down onto a metal chair by my ankles and wrists.

Melody was right next to me, she looked strait ahead gritting her teeth.

After my vision got use to the little light, the person standing in front of us was, Agent_0071.

"Well, we meet again Jason" I stiffen, I hate this guy, the last time I saw him was when he was floating away in pixels.

Melody yelled out first "what do you want! I was still looking for my brother like you said I had to"

The man nodded "yes, I know, but this is diffrent buisness" he paused, stairing at me "its about you Fire_Breather, with this situation with the killer swords"

"What about it!" I spat out, "its all my fault"

"Actually, its the Knights fault I believe, now that I believe your story, I need you to believe mine"

"I am never listening" said Melody, "never! Not after what your putting me through"

Agent_0071 cocked his head to the side surprised, "Oh, I thank you both might want to hear, you see, the only reason why I haven't deleted Jason yet is because after he killed me, I tried to delete him useing our net work, we couldn't let him interfere with us again, but you see, now Jason's username, Fire_Breather, shows up as non-existing"

I clutch the metal chair arms with my hands until my knuckles turn white "WHAT! that cant be possible"

Agent_0071 pulled up his menu and searched my username, and just like what he said, nothing came up.

After the menu dissapers, he crosses his arms, then continues, his eyes still boaring into me, "We need you two both to find this red knight before he starts a killing streak"

Melody looks more terrified then concerend "How are we going to defeat such a high level boss, were way to low for it"

The Agent nods, "I understand, that's why we want you to join a guild"

My nails dig into the metal this time, "what guild?'

"Salvation" no way!, the agent just said it like it was no big deal, nobody ever liked Salvation, and never did I.

"No way I'm joining them, any other guild, I would love to join in Laughing Dead Coffin then join Salvation" he couldn't do this to me,

"I could do something that no one else cant" said the agent, he looked as calm as ever, his arms uncrosed, he flopped open his menu and typed on a keyboard, "I can delete your logouts"

I smile "but I don't show up on your data"

He nods once again, "Yes, but I can also re-start your avatar, then delete it" my smile fades, damn this basterd to hell.

"You cant do this!" Melody pleads almost in tears as she struggles against her restraints, "please, just let us find this Knight and my brother, let us go!"

"Good, but i-"

"Wait!" I blurt out, "why did you finally believe my story?"

The Agent types in his items and brings out a sword, it looked exactly like my KS, it took me a moment to relize, it was.

The sword dissapered just like his menu "You see" he said walking forward to me "I can level you both up easily, but I will only do so if you both couperate, first you need a guild, then find Melody's brother and then defeat the knight, or at least try to delete him once we find him"

I look down releasing my grip, we had no choice, I could log out right now if I wanted to, but if I tried they might remake my avatar and then delete my logout button.

I looked over at Melody who was sobeing into her chest, I couldn't leave her like this, I need her, she needs me. I have no choice but to agree with my next challenge.

* * *

Hay! Another chapter! Hope you guys like it! It took me forever to figure this one out!

And like always, have any ideas, or find spelling mistakes etc...please comment, PM, or an easier way you can ask for my KIK anytime!

Thanks Guys!

Sword Art Online: Red Blood #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now