11. Don't tell me that ever again.

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When she appeared on the screen at the Obstacle Race, she was wearing the usual outfit like the rest, but instead of snowflakes like Lincoln or stars like Sky she had a bright red flame. Her mark was a fiery red flame on her right temple and made her look more confident then she was and way more scarier. 

I watched anxiously as she started her round, but my worries vanished when the voice announced that she scored 5 minutes and 1 second!!! I jumped from my seat and started to do a victory dance.

"YOU GO GIRL!" I yelled as I knew that she can hear me. The staff placed speaker in the bleachers and speakers all over the races so people can encourage the competitors.

Sparky faced the camera and winked and blew a kiss. After 5 minutes of resting she started her second round were she scored 5 seconds and 31 seconds! With those results she was the third one after Lincoln and Sky.

"THAT'S MA BITCH!" I yelled again and I saw here laughing and waving at the cameras. The rest of the competitors, the ones that had yet to compete were glaring at me from the other part of the bleachers.

"Why are you staring at me? You never saw a good looking girl motivating her best friend?" I said and glared back at them. "STOP STARING IT'S RUDE YOU IDIOTS!" I yelled when they kept staring at me.

They all looked frightened by my sudden outburst and turned away. To my disappointment, Sparky passed the third round while I was fighting with this idiots. Now she was waiting for her opponent for the Combat Round. After 5 minutes the I-forgot-his-name guy, stepped into the arena.

Her first match lasted less then 5 minutes. She beaten the crap out of that bulky guy in less than 5 minutes. I was speechless when I saw how fast she was, and how damn good she was. Her moves were fluid and very controlled as in she wanted to hit his jaw that's where she hits, not somewhere lower or higher which can be a difficult thing to do. 

Her next match was almost as easy as the first one, the only difference was that in this one, the girl she beaten, landed a punch to Sparky's face. Wrong move amigo. I think that this girl will be all black and blue for a month. In her third match she had some struggles and some bruises but she won again. After her next match she was looking a little bit tired and she had a black eye and a broken nose. But at least she won.

"COME ON GIRL!! ONE MORE ROUND! YOU CAN FUCKING DO IT!" I yelled when I saw her hesitating for a second. When she heard me, she straightened up and walked with confidence into the ring. Her last opponent was a tall guy with broad shoulders. His posture gave away a powerful aura and I was a little worried about Sparky, doubt filling my mind. I think she can beat him, but I don't know how bad her injuries will be. 

I tried to block the view by covering my eyes with my hands, but it was useless as I  was constantly peeking through my fingers. I was wincing and jumping every single time that guy hit Sparky. Unfortunately, it was a lots of times. Now, I was biting my nails as I was staring at the screen in worry.

Come on, come on! You have to do it girl!

As if God heard my prayers, Sparky bent down to get out of his way and she formed a sphere of fire and aimed at his stomach. That sent him flying into the closest wall and knocked him out, making Sparky the winner. 

"YES!!! THAT'S MY GIRL! I TOLD YOU, YOU CAN DO IT!!" I yelled happily grinning like a maniac.

Sparky smiled tiredly at the camera and suddenly dropped to the ground. I almost started to freak out when I realized that she probably fainted from exhaustion and maybe some blood loss, but thank God that the medics move fast. I hope that besides that black eye, broken nose and horrible cut on her forehead, everything is fine.

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