RKO like a boss

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Princeton's P.O.V.

Just as Ms. J was about to announce the first place winner for dance, Principal Hafets called ShuShu, Victoria, and I up to the office. Oh, wonderful, the three of us in the same room. After. All. That. Drama. I tried to act like I didn't notice, but everyone noticed. We walked down the hallway in silence, our feet following Principal Hafets'. From the corner of my eye, (A/N- yea, i thought of Girls Talkin Bout too when I typed tht) I noticed Victoria was scooting herself farther from me and ShuShu. Shushu looked completely normal, as if absoutly NOTHING has happened as of today. This girl really confuses me. Principal Hafets was walking very swiftly, meaning she was very serious, so I tried to forget about all that crap that happened but, come on! Who can forget something like that in less than half an hour?

When we reached the door to the office, the door flung open, revealing a very serious-looking Nancy. I was pretty confused. How was the school gonna let her just come in and demand to talk to us?

Nancy: Victoria! ShuShu! Jacob! Oh my gosh, auntie died and we need to get you guys to the hospital STAT!

Victoria: huh?

Nancy: Our. AUNTIE. DIED. *winks slyly* and we gotta get you guys to the hospital.

ShuShu: Oh My Godd! Are you serious?!? Lets GO! *grabs Nancy's hand and begins walking toward Principal Hafets* *to Principal Hafets* Thank you for informing us. *to Prince and Victoria* Come on guys, lets go!

Principal Hafets: You are welcome, but you will makeup all of your missing classwork on time! Understood?

Prince, ShuShu, Victoria: Yes.

Principal Hafets: Very well then, proceed, and I am very sorry about your aunt.

ShuShu: *wiping a tear* Thank You.

I really wasn't sure if ShuShu was faking or not at first. She was acting way too serious about it! After we left the room, I went up and asked her.

Me: Hey, ShuShu, you know that we really don't have a dead aunt, right?

ShuShu: *looks him up and down* *bursts out laughing* you-you're kidding me, right? Of course I know its fake! Im not an idiot!

Victoria: *mumbles loudly* thats what she said..

ShuShu: Uhmm.. you got something to say, skank?

Princeton: No she doesn't.

Victoria: *ignoring Prince* uh, yea I do, slut.

ShuShu: What did you just call me? *tightening her fists*

Princeton: nothing. *sneaks hand and un-grips ShuShu's fists*

Victoria: I SAID YOUR. A. SLUT.!

ShuShu: Ohh No you didn't !

Right then, ShuShu's fists were balled up so white, her knuckles were white. She aimed it right at Victoria's face, but I reached out my hand and kept it away. She slipped her hand out of my grip and went at it again, but this time, she slipped her leg behind Victoria's foot and tripped her. Victoria took a hard slam to the floor and ShuShu stood there watching her for a second. I looked at Victoria, looking all broken, and then at ShuShu. Her eyes were crazy. I've seen that look before. Not from her but from- oh godd. I knew what she was about to do. ShuShu carefully came down, picked up Victoria's head, and got ready to do the RKO on Victoria. (A/N- Incase you don't watch WWE, the RKO is an awesome move that Randy Orton aka the Viper uses. Look it up on youtube!) As soon as I figured what she was going to do, I pushed Victoria out of the way, but then unfortunately, well, lets just make it simple. ShuShu did the RKO on me.

Nancy: *to ShuShu* What the fuck did you just do?

ShuShu's P.O.V.

Oh my godd.. I just hurt Princeton. But it wasn't COMPLETELY my fault. Not completely. I ran over to his side and knelt down to have a look at the damage. I pushed my side bangs out of my face and lay his head over my lap. I checked for a heartbeat first. Okey, he's alive. I sat there trying to think of what to do next. I wasn't quite sure because I usually skipped all the Health classes. Princeton started shaking his head and mumbling something.

Me: What? *kneals down closer*

Victoria: *comes from behind* what the hell did you do to my boyfr- ex. Ex-boyfriend. Uh, Princeton.

Me: Juz get the fuck out of here. Nobody likes you stupid-lookin ass around here. You are so irritating with your big-ass mouth. Like, seriously! You have such a big mouth; you could eat a banana sideways!

Victoria: Who you think your talking to you stupid little hoe?

Me: Don't say things like that, it makes you sound stupid. Infact, don't talk at all, it makes you sound stupid.

Victoria: If you hate me so much, why don't you just kill me right now? I mean, Princeton can't save me now.

Me: Okey, there's only one thing that's keeping me from breaking you in half right now; I don't want two of you around.

Victoria: Or you're scared.

Me: Okey, are you stupid or are you possessed by a retarded ghost?

Nancy: Guys! Will you shut the hell up and help this kid?!?! I think he's saying something!

The room grew dead silent as we tried to listen to what the hell he was saying.

We could only make out a few words.







wait! wait- hold up! Did he just say ShuShu????




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