The SunDress.. again

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okey, good luck! i was able to get to a computer! so here we go....


~Princeton's Dream (while he was passed out, after ShuShu RKOed him)~

I was at home, getting ready for something, but I don't know what. It was as if my body had a mind of its own and things were happening without me thinking about it, so I just let it happen. I looked in the mirror and admired what I looked like, considering I didn't even think about it. I walked on outside and drove, yeah drove, to some place. I didn't know where I was going until I reached the place- ShuShu's house. What the fuck was I doing here? I knocked on the door and ShuShu's aunt greeted me and invited me in. I have absolutely NO idea how I knew she was ShuShu's aunt- I just did. I didn't even know what was happening, but I sorta liked it. It was bringing me closer to ShuShu. I went up to her room and saw her sleeping. Even while she was sleeping, she looked beautiful. Her dark, shiny hair was sprawled onto her pillow. Her face seemed so calm and peaceful, like she was having a wonderful dream. The corners of her mouth pointed slightly upward, and I couldn't help but wonder what she was dreaming about. I came closer to her bed, but just then, she awoke. I guess I might have startled her, because she screamed. 

ShuShu: What are you doing in MY ROOM?!?!?

Me: You look cute when you sleep. (thinking- why the hell did I just say that? Ughh.. I wish I could at least control SOMETHING.)

ShuShu: Why were you watching me sleep?

Me: Ready for our date? (thinking-wait, what?!?!)

ShuShu: Wait, what?

Me: *takes ShuShu's hand* Yea, c'mon.

ShuShu: But I need to change.

Me: (thinking- She okey with us going on a date? This is definetly a dream!) Oh! That reminds me!

*pulls out a shopping bag and hands it to ShuShu* Here you go.

ShuShu: What is it?

Me: (thinking- I have no idea.) Take it out and see for yourself.

ShuShu: Okey...? 

Right away, she pulled out a beautiful sundress and a huge grin spreads on her face. I was proud of myself. 

Me: *smiling* You like it?

ShuShu: I love it!

Me: *kisses ShuShu on the cheek* Okey babe, get dressed and we'll go.

ShuShu: Uhmmm.. okey. *turns around to go change*

Me: Wait! ShuShu,

ShuShu:*stops and turns to go look at Princeton* Yea??

Me: Are you okey?

ShuShu: Yea, I think so.

Me: (thinking- good, cause Im not) Kay, i'll be waiting for you downstairs.

ShuShu: Mkay.

She run into the bathroom to go change. Oh my god, this is weird on a whole entire level. Why am I dreaming this? This is really strange! But when she comes out-- I completely forget ALL of that. She's wearing that same pretty sundress, but on her, it just seemed... stunning. She had on barely any makeup-maybe just eyeliner and lipgloss- and she had some shoes and a purse to match the dress, but that wasn't what made the big difference. I wasn't sure what, but I was speechless. Well, I thought I was. But I wasn't the one controlling myself, even though it was my dream. Apparently, I don't control my dreams. 

Me: Wow, you look gorgeous!

ShuShu: *giggles* thanks. 

Me: *takes her hand* Leggo!

ShuShu: wait... where's my mom? 

I didn't respond, but instead I just pulled her outside. I lead her to the red convertible I drove here in. She stood there with her mouth open, shocked. Trust me, I would be like that too, but , once again, I can't control myself. I non-chalaunlty buckle my seatbelt and gesture for her to sit in the passengers' seat. 

ShuShu: But we can't.

Me: *laughs* Why not?

ShuShu: Well, for one, you DON'T HAVE A LICENSE!

Me: Don't I?  *pulls out a drivers' license and shows it to ShuShu* (thinking- where the hell did I get that from)

ShuShu: That's real?

Me: Yup.

ShuShu: How'd you get that? You're only 14!

Me: Uhmm.. are you sure you're okey?

ShuShu: What?

Me: I think you need to relax. C'mon!

I was kind of surprised of how well I drove, but not really. ShuShu sure looked surprised, though, And happy. And beautiful. It was really hard to keep my eyes on the road sitting next to her. The breeze blew her hair back and it flowed around. She looked like one of those moviestars you'd see in them chickflicks. This whole thing seemed like a chickflick- but weirder. Eventually, without thinking, I stopped at a big park and I unloaded a picnic basket. I had everything done perfectly and I could tell she was impressed. Damn, im so smooth I dont even gotta think about it! I joked to myself. I saw two cute squirrels running around, and out of nowhere, I began messing with them and following them. It was really fun, so when the squirrels ran up the tree, I decided to chase a bird instead. I ran and ran until.. I fell into a pond! ShuShu was cracking up! I swam out of the pond and I was absolutely DRENCHED. To get her back for laughing, I pulled her into the pond, and before I knew it, we were both playing around in the pond. We splashed around until sunset. When sunset actually came, we sat side by side and watched the amazingness of it. Thats when we ended up saying what I never expected.

Me: Hey, ShuShu?

ShuShu: Mhmm?

Me: You're really pretty, fun, sweet, and you can KICK BUTT!

ShuShu: *laughs* thanks..

Me: and.. *deep breath*.. I love you.

She sat there for about three seconds- enough time to let the butterflies in my stomach punch all around and into my throat, whether this was a dream or not.

ShuShu: I love you too.

And we kissed. Fireworks came up all around us, the squirrels came back, doves rose around us, and an orchestra played. I was actually enjoying this weird dream- A lot. But suddenly, the things began to disappear, along with ShuShu, until I was to reality. ShuShu and Nancy helped me get back on my feet, but I felt something in my pocket. As we walked over to the bus stop, I pulled it out and saw it was a receipt.

For a sundress.


So WATCHU THINKKK ??????  This is like chapter 31, I think, so we've gotten pretty far in the story :)... but we're not quite at the end, yet. Please continue to vote, comment, etc. Please tell some people to read this cuz I need more reads! Got any questions or suggestions? LEMME KNOE! I wunna hear frum yall!

Also, I wanna give a shoutout to prodsmrsright who is an awesome reader! she has been one of mii (and a buncha other people) main readers and she is an awesum writer! we<3 u gurrl and u gotta keep the writing!



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