We Need Her Help!

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ShuShu's P.O.V.

Okey, this stalker thing, has gone WAY outta hand. RayRay's hospitalized! Victoria, Prince, and I decided to leave RayRay (Reem) and Prod to stay with RayRay, while we went to the police station to make a report.

Police: Hello, young kids, how can we help you?

Prince: We'd like to make a report.

Police: Uhmm.. okey. Please wait here a minute.

Princeton nodded and we waited for what felt like forever to me. Victoria and Prince sat beside me cuddling. Seriously? I thought. Was this seriously the time to snuggle? I sighed. The only reason I came was because of this stupid deal I was in with Victoria. Finally, the police officer came. I couldn't help but notice how young he looked to be for a cop.

Police: What would you like to make a report for?

Victoria: Our friend RayRay got shot.

Police: Oh okey. When and where?

Me: (thinking- doesn't he need the full name..?) About two hours ago, at Princeton's place.

Prince: My house.

Me: *talking to Princeton* well is there any other Princeton in the room?

Princeton: *shrugs and smirks at ShuShu*

I roll my eyes and continue to give my attention to the officer.

Police: okey. you're good. Goodbye now. *waves*

Prince: Uhmm, but you barely asked us anything. How do you even know where we live?

The cop stood there with a confused look on his face, then left.

Victoria: What the fuck?

Prince: Uhmm, okey. This is weird.

Me: Shush! I hear something,

Victoria: ShuShu, you don't think their part of--

Me: of course I do!

But then we stop and listen closely.   We heard two guys speaking, one of them I was sure it was the guy we were just speaking to.

Guy1: Hey, they're here.

Guy2: What?

Guy1: The guy that got shot.

Guy2: What?!? He's here?

Guy1: No, but his stupid little friends are.

Guy2: Are they the ones in the band?

Guy1: Naw, only one of them is. The one with the bush. Was it Kingston or somethin--

Guy2: It doesn't matter, just capture him the same way you did to Nancy Serena.

Guy1: But that bitch got out alive.

Guy2: Well, I re-made the plan and they're not gonna come out alive.

Guy1: Fine, but did you at least catch Nancy?


Guy1: Fine! Damn..

Guy2: What?

Guy1: Nothing,

Guy2: That's What I thought..

I knew who Nancy Serena was. She was a girl that used to sing on some youtube videos. She was really good, and actually became famous for it, just like Justin Bieber, Mindless Behavior, and a buncha other people. If these people were out to get her too, that meant that they were just out to pull stars down from their glory. To kill them before their amazing lives get any better. It was jealously doing this.. And it needed to stop.

After that, we heard footsteps coming our way, so following Princeton's lead, we ran, far far away from this police station, and back to the hospital. Princeton went to Prod and RayRay (Reem) to let them know about what just happened, but we decided not to tell RayRay, because he was already tired enough.

 Victoria and I, on the other hand, were in the hallways discussing how we definietly needed to find Nancy and talk to her. She went through this same mess, and got out. Even though she's still being stalked, we knew we needed her help if we needed to save the guys and ourselves.


to Nancy- it took forever, but I finally got u in the story.. lets see how this works out.

To everyone else- please tell me what you think.! I dont get that much feedback and I really want some more.. I don't wanna be wasting my time with something nobody bothers reading or nobody likes.. PLEASE LET ME KNOWWWW!

I also wanted to make a shoutout to iScreamMindlessx3 who writes just about the BEST WATTPAD STORIES EVERRRR! I love "She Plays It Like She's NOT Mindless" and the sequel "He Plays It Like He's A Superstar".. THEY. ARE. AMAZING.!!!!!!!!!! I know yall ardy read em so im not even gunna bother tellin you to read em! Lol.. PLEASE KEEP WRITING iScreamMindlessx3!!!!!!

Anywwhooooo... PEACE! untill the next chapiiee ;)

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